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major term Meaning in Bengali


ব্যাপক পদ,

major term's Usage Examples:

Illicit treatment of the major term: The conclusion implicates all members of the major term (P – meaning the proposition is negative);.

fallacy committed in a categorical syllogism that is invalid because its major term is undistributed in the major premise but distributed in the conclusion.

the minor term while the predicate is the major term.

The premise that contains the middle term and major term is called the major premise while the premise.

"Cardinal Nation" remains a major term in team promotion.

Jarrow, and Emanuel Derman as a major term structure model.

In Hindu logic, an upadhi is the condition which accompanies the major term and must be supplied to limit the too general middle term.

a Dark cloud appears | | | | A is a major term | | B is a middle term | | C is a minor term | | D is a major term, associated with A | | |.

Illicit major – a categorical syllogism that is invalid because its major term is not distributed in the major premise but distributed in the conclusion.

The end terms in a categorical syllogism are the major term and the minor term (not the middle term).

tendency may be to leap to the conclusion that it must be caused by fire (major term in logic).

would be called as paksha (minor term), the fire is called as sādhya (major term), the smoke is called as hetu, and the relationship between the smoke.

At the end of every major term an end of term assembly is held where the houses' points are collated.

constant concomitance between hetu or the middle term and sadhya or the major term and implies the "sahacara" i.

If "change agent" was a major term during Pifer's time, "linkage" became a byword in Hamburg's.

[citation needed] The First Council of Nicaea included in its Creed the major term homoousios (of the same essence), which was used also by the Council of.

current and complete taxonomy for homeland security, collecting every major term, idea, and issue in homeland security and organizing them into an easily.

as Aristotle does, upon the different relation of the middle to the major term and minor term.


semipermanent; long-run; long;


short; improvident; unretentive; unmindful;

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