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malefactors Meaning in Bengali

 অপকারী, অসঙ্গলসাধক, ক্ষতিসাধক, দণ্ডার্হ অপরাধী, অপকারক,

malefactors শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সবচেয়ে ক্ষুদ্রতম খ্রাফস্তার (অপকারক প্রাণী) পর্বত সমান বৃহৎ এবং তারা প্রেরিত অভিশপ্তদের আত্মা ভক্ষণ করে ।

ক্রেভ মাগার দর্শন হচ্ছে হুমকি, সমকালীন আত্মরক্ষামূলক এবং ক্ষতিসাধক ক্রিয়া এবং প্রচণ্ড আক্রমণ প্রতিহত করা ।

সম্পৃক্ত চর্বি –এই জাতীয় ক্ষতিসাধক চর্বি মূলতঃ প্রানীজ উৎস থেকে পাওয়া যায় যেমন- লাল মাংস, পূর্নমাত্রায় ।

উৎপাদের একটি উদাহরণ হলো অ্যাক্রিলামাইড, একটি নিউরোটক্সিন (স্নায়ুতন্ত্রের ক্ষতিসাধক) এবং সম্ভবত ক্যান্সার সৃষ্টিকারী; যা উচ্চ তাপমাত্রায় (১২০° সেঃ এর উপরে) ।

malefactors's Usage Examples:

Some claim the routes that offered sanctuary to malefactors to leave the island.

: Σκίρωνoς) was one of the malefactors killed by Theseus on the way from Troezen to Athens.

sanctuary, though this was a privilege then granted to the most notorious malefactors; and that, if they continued obstinate, or relapsed after pardon, they.

However, on occasions brigands are not mere malefactors, but may be the last resort of people subject to invasion.

Subsequently, the word 'cateran' came to refer to those Highland bandits or malefactors.

It was there that malefactors were flogged before a large concourse of people.

In this particularly barbarous episode, having killed the man, the malefactors cut his head off and played football with it.

Olachorum1, in ipsa terra nostra existencium - the evil arts of many malefactors, especially Vlachs /Romanians that live in that our country; exterminandum.

the unshiskebabed superheroes, the Archer (Art Carney) and his "merry malefactors" opt to beat a hasty retreat to their new hideout in the basement of.

from hanging the body, telling them that "the gibbet was erected for malefactors and murderers, and not for such men as Peden".

Post wrote, "Omaha is evidently a happy hunting ground for savages and malefactors.

suffering, day by day, many troubles because of the evil arts of many malefactors, especially Romanians, .

inserted into high-profile and reputable websites, malvertising provides malefactors an opportunity to push their attacks to web users who might not otherwise.

Walter atte Keye, leading a company of other malefactors, came to the house of Andrew Vernoun, brewer, at Paul's Wharf, London.

Peter Jeremy, Geoffrey MacCardle and Linda McCardle, thwart the Teutonic malefactors: the villainous Nazi Dr.

"four of the more lawful men of each vill" were required to present malefactors.

increasingly called upon to uphold the king's peace: to act against "malefactors and peace breakers, so that it may appear that you are a lover of our.


thug; stealer; gaolbird; moonshiner; lawbreaker; raper; rapist; drug trafficker; machinator; abductor; contrabandist; mobster; murderer; treasonist; firebug; fugitive from justice; parolee; probationer; plotter; drug peddler; hood; hoodlum; extortionist; coconspirator; racketeer; smuggler; criminal; blackmailer; gangster; highjacker; snatcher; desperate criminal; pusher; strong-armer; suborner; accessory; bootlegger; outlaw; tough; moll; jail bird; violator; law offender; repeater; felon; scofflaw; fugitive; moon curser; habitual criminal; recidivist; incendiary; punk; peddler; jailbird; mafioso; conspirator; arsonist; toughie; desperado; goon; gun moll; principal; highbinder; gangster"s moll; moon-curser; traitor; runner; kidnaper; accessary; liquidator; drug dealer; hijacker; kidnapper; thief; crook; manslayer; extortioner; briber;


unimportant; unsupportive; liberator; straighten; straight line;

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