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malignantly Meaning in Bengali

malignantly's Usage Examples:

A second example occurs in melanoma, where malignantly transformed pigment cells switch back-and-forth between phenotypes of.

The book is noted for its repeated usage of the phrase "malignantly useless.

"Isolation of a cDNA whose expression is markedly increased in malignantly transformed FRTL cells and neoplastic human thyroid tissues".

your enemy (verse 20), put to shame by your noble spirit, ceases to act malignantly against you and becomes your friend".

Haniyasushin, the animal spirit takes over their body but does not act malignantly, as it has the same goal as the player character.

knowledge or intention', 'intentional cooperation', 'voluntarily', 'malignantly', 'wantonly', 'maliciously'.

of a gene containing zinc-finger motifs based on lost expression in malignantly transformed rat ovarian surface epithelial cells".

More malignantly, Billy Wilder used Norma Talmadge as the obvious if unacknowledged source.

"Mary Trump describes family as 'malignantly dysfunctional' l GMA – YouTube".

praised Rabelais, stating "Rabelais loved the bowels which Swift so malignantly hated.

We believe that the Galactic Empire has willfully and malignantly usurped the rights of the free beings of the Galaxy and therefore, it.

Hanna was the most malignantly traitorous contest ever waged in the political annals of Ohio.

Fake news and deepfakes when used malignantly, is an issue facing everyone that can change our perceptions to the whims.

Article 270 – Whoever malignantly does any act which is, and which he knows or has reason to believe to.

every leading measure to which he had devoted his life deliberately and malignantly undone; the flagrant abuses which he had abolished restored, apparently.

were reflected in his study of bone structure where growth has been malignantly halted by illness.

surveying some noted literary works embodying what he describes as "malignantly perverse attitudes", such as by Paul Verlaine, Dostoevski, Marquis de.

The malignantly transformed disease is aggressive and has a poor prognosis.

Its malignantly narcissistic beliefs are held in compensation for Gil's own sense of.

always plotting, though always known to be plotting, and though long malignantly watched by a vindictive government, he eluded every danger, and died.

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