<< managerial managers >>

managerially Meaning in Bengali

managerially's Usage Examples:

activity for which a problem is structured in mathematical form to generate managerially relevant insights.

An alternative view sees a project managerially as a sequence of events: a "set of interrelated tasks to be executed.

executive agency is a part of a government department that is treated as managerially and budgetarily separate, to carry out some part of the executive functions.

These stores now operate as free standing stores, financially and managerially separate from the supermarkets.

World at One and the Arabic version of Newsnight, Kilani led the teams managerially and editorially, he is best known for his coverage in war-zones in the.

and used it to identify opportunities to systematically develop the managerially controllable systems and other factors in the work and school environments.

This trains officers to think as a managerially Department Head rather than a functional Division Officer.

How innovation butterflies are 'chased' is highly managerially relevant.

Administratively and managerially competent, and admired for his pastoral work, he was a contrast to his.

He is editorially and managerially responsible for the BBC's broadcasts and multimedia services in the Azeri.

Researchers in Trinity Business School seek answers to managerially relevant questions that are focused on the following themes: Entrepreneurship.

Chief Executive position would be challenged culturally, politically and managerially.

clinical audit are perceived by practitioners as time-consuming and a managerially driven exercise with no associated professional rewards.

established its mark as a professionally mature, technologically upbeat and managerially sound organisation.

brother David Syme soon came to dominate the paper, editorially and managerially.

MS prepares the student in conducting managerially relevant research in areas of management.

was in “perpetual crisis mode” with a lack of clinical leaders and a managerially focused leadership with “many examples of silo working”.

took over responsibility for the entire stadium, both financially and managerially.

essential mission; but he found on election that a great deal of work, managerially and financially, had to be done.

to establish whether previously rival works could be integrated, both managerially and physically by linking their distribution systems.

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