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manicure set Meaning in Bengali


ম্যানিকিউর সেট,

manicure set's Usage Examples:

foundations together with pieces of jewellery, bone combs and a well-preserved manicure set – three little bronze rods, probably for cleaning fingernails or ears.

door panels, the cabinets on either side of the rear armchairs, and the manicure set fitted into the left door.

Peters The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale Comb and manicure set more 13 October 1973 Edward Robey Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians.


bed; snuggle; put in; lay; postpose; lose; inclose; perch; reposition; replace; superpose; intersperse; sign; misplace; marshal; dispose; stick in; plant; upend; posit; glycerolise; cock; set up; put back; recline; barrel; shelve; position; arrange; cram; docket; stratify; step; middle; sit; ensconce; seat; thrust; install; stand; bottle; park; deposit; parallelize; tee; pile; seed; pillow; glycerolize; place down; poise; displace; appose; sow; ladle; ground; trench; move; siphon; jar; stand up; mislay; settle down; prepose; lean; rack up; throw; nestle; pigeonhole; juxtapose; place; situate; underlay; enclose; emplace; recess; put down; ship; settle; sit down; instal; rest; pose; imbricate; bucket; insert; place upright; fix; lay over; butt; tee up; space; load; set down; repose; put; introduce; clap; coffin; superimpose;


deglycerolize; disarrange; orient; switch on; switch off;

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