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manual of arms Meaning in Bengali


অস্ত্র ম্যানুয়াল,

manual of arms's Usage Examples:

A manual of arms was an instruction book for handling and using weapons in formation, whether in the field or on parade.

Walcutt, wrote a manual of arms for the Spencer, and the regiment first employed its Spencers in force.

Today, a spontoon (or espontoon, as it is referred to in the manual of arms) is carried by the drum major of the U.

Achille Marozzo's 16th century manual of arms illustration of the Dagger and Cloak.

The rules of the manual of arms, as well.

the sufferings of the Continental Line, trained in Von Steuben's new manual of arms and brought itself up to strength.

M60-based weapons while bettering its light weight and maintaining the same manual of arms as the already in-use M249.

firing a flintlock weapon remain the standard for drill and display (see manual of arms).

staff and cadets as a "saber," likely because the commands for its manual of arms utilize that term as the command of execution (e.

In battle, the manual of arms called for the rifle to be fired until empty, and then recharged quickly.

Line infantry was trained in the manual of arms evolutions, the main objectives of which were fast deployment of a line.

It was best because of its manual of arms, the noisy marching around in military garb with brass buttons, my kilts.

each claimant was handed a broom and ordered in German to perform the manual of arms.

Ambidextrous firearms allows for an identical manual of arms regardless of which hand is being used as primary, which streamlines.

attempts to teach the Stooges the standard military drill from the manual of arms.


practice session; manual; exercise; recitation; order arms; practice; drill;


automatic; white-collar; inactivity; stand still;

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