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martens Meaning in Bengali


নকুলজাতীয় ছোত জন্তু ও ইহার লোম,

martens's Usage Examples:

The martens constitute the genus Martes within the subfamily Guloninae, in the family Mustelidae.

A study in 2012 found that martens have spread from their Scottish Highlands stronghold, north into Sutherland.

Martens were once thought to live only in old conifer (evergreen) forests but further study shows that martens live in both old and.

The fur is softer and silkier than that of American martens.

Sables greatly resemble pine martens in size and appearance, but have more elongated heads.

The Japanese martens' breeding season occurs between March and the middle of May.

the pine marten's, with the bacula of young beech martens often outsizing those of old pine martens.

respects to the smaller beech marten, it is sharply differentiated from other martens by its unique color and the structure of its baculum.


sable; American sable; fisher cat; pekan; Martes zibellina; Martes; stone marten; genus Martes; Martes pennanti; Martes foina; pine marten; American marten; Charronia flavigula; musteline mammal; black cat; Martes martes; musteline; beech marten; marten cat; mustelid; Martes americana; fisher; yellow-throated marten;


chromatic; white;

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