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matrix transposition Meaning in Bengali


ম্যাট্রিক্স পক্ষান্তরণ,

matrix transposition's Usage Examples:

Therefore, efficient in-place matrix transposition has been the subject of numerous research publications in computer.

In-place matrix transposition, also called in-situ matrix transposition, is the problem of transposing an N×M matrix in-place in computer memory, ideally.

matrix transposition) is performed.

cache-oblivious algorithms are known for matrix multiplication, matrix transposition, sorting, and several other problems.

in a letter or two arriving out of sequence in the assembler—a "matrix transposition".

(t)={\lbrack X(1,t),X(2,t),\dots ,X(p,t)\rbrack }^{T}} Here T denotes the matrix transposition.

_{n}\end{bmatrix}}\right)}}\,,} where the superscript T indicates matrix transposition.

structure of a *-algebra over R, where the involution * on Mn(R) is matrix transposition.

{\displaystyle n\times n} matrix, and T {\displaystyle {}^{T}} denotes matrix transposition.

, it is invariant under matrix transposition).

By matrix transposition in both sides of the equation and using the fact that both G and.

obtained from the above by logical negation or parameter inversion (matrix transposition), as indicated by the last column: Predicates that utilize the input.

{\displaystyle U=2\pi {\tilde {V}}} is the periodicity matrix where ~ denotes matrix transposition.

For example, Matlab denotes matrix transposition by using an apostrophe as in A' which is unexceptionable and closely.

rows/columns in sparse matrix to yield a narrow band matrix In-place matrix transposition — computing the transpose of a matrix without using much additional.

of required quantities γab in the form where the symbol ~ means matrix transposition.


matrix operation;


switch on; disengage;

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