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memorises Meaning in Bengali

memorises's Usage Examples:

Þórðr memorises the poem but his companion does not and subsequently dies the following.

The group met at his apartment and according to some memorises, he was the inventor of the name.

future reference; for example, in "Murder at Pentecost" he makes up and memorises "To call an Oxford man an undergrad, proclaims you a bounder and a cad".

"He ate all the pi : Japanese man memorises π to 111,700 digits".

that Al-Shātibī saw Muhammad in a dream and said unto him that whoever memorises this qasīdah shall enter Paradise.

front of little Somu, (Mangalam's elder son), the terrorised child who memorises the face of Duraiswamy.

However, Rimmer memorises the antidote just in time for Kryten to make up some of the chemical antidote.

Gilbert memorises it.

"Blind youth memorises Holy Qur'an from Braille".

Lisa memorises her surroundings and then makes her way home.

He memorises each letter then tears them into the tiniest pieces and discards them.

pose a threat to the safety of the letter, Tiuri opens the letter and memorises what is written on it.

The G06 X6 can also be optioned with Reverse Assistant, which memorises the last 50 meters travelled and can automatically reverse in that path.

The devotee who always wears it in the neck (memorises and chants) attracts the goddess Lakshmi.

Ingrid memorises the incantation when the 4th Earl says that he will tell it to them only.

Though sceptical, he memorises the directions before burning the map.

overcome this problem, Meena enlists the help of her parrot, Mithu, who memorises the school lesson and relays it to her after class.

Zhang Junbao (張君寶; Zhāng Jūnbǎo) is Jueyuan's apprentice who memorises part of the Nine Yang Manual from his master.

While talking to Karl about his residency, David memorises Karl's hospital system password.


alternate; study; hit the books; learn; memorize; con; understudy;


noncyclic; primary; refrain; pro;

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