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metalinguistic Meaning in Bengali

metalinguistic's Usage Examples:

Metalinguistic awareness, also known as metalinguistic ability, refers to the ability to consciously reflect on the nature of language.

In logic, a metavariable (also metalinguistic variable or syntactical variable) is a symbol or symbol string which belongs to a metalanguage and stands.

The metalingual (alternatively called "metalinguistic" or "reflexive") function: is the use of language (what Jakobson calls.

In first-order logic, they can be more properly called metalinguistic variables.

In computer science, metalinguistic abstraction is the process of solving complex problems by creating a new language or vocabulary to better understand.

in the ALGOL 60 report as metalinguistic formula: Sequences of characters enclosed in the brackets <> represent metalinguistic variables whose values are.

determine reference and the metalinguistic description mentions the name it is the sense of (hence it is "metalinguistic") while placing no conditions.

Metapolitics (sometimes written meta-politics) is metalinguistic talk about politics; a political dialogue about politics itself.

Confusion over such decisions have necessitated the creation of these metalinguistic terms.

Early bilingualism is associated with advantages in metalinguistic awareness, which is the speaker's ability to distance himself from the.

, "The development of language learning aptitude and metalinguistic awareness in primary-school children: A classroom study.

interesting linguistic ideologies and configure a complex site for metalinguistic discussion and subsequent language learning prompted by the intercultural.

awareness is different from other phonological abilities in that it is a metalinguistic skill, requiring conscious awareness and reflection on the structure.

A metavariable (or metalinguistic or metasyntactic variable) is a symbol or set of symbols in a metalanguage.

Nevins, Andrew; Vaux, Bert (2003), "Metalinguistic, shmetalinguistic: the phonology of shm-reduplication", Proceedings.

Dramatism recommends the use of a metalinguistic approach to stories about human action that investigates the roles and.

These variables, which are metalinguistic constructs, stand for any term or subformula of the system, which may.

can consciously think and talk about and analyse, we are referring to metalinguistic knowledge, which is also a legitimate object of research within cognitive.

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