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midribs Meaning in Bengali


পাতার মাঝে মোটা শিরা, মধ্যশিরা,

midribs শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পাতার মধ্যশিরা দিয়ে ঝাঁটা তৈরি করা যায় ।

পত্রফলকে দৃঢ়, মোটা ও সুস্পষ্ট ও মধ্যশিরা বিদ্যমান ।

ডিমগুলো ডালের নরম অংশ, পাতার মধ্যশিরা এবং পত্রাক্ষে আটকে থাকে ।

শূককীটরা পাতার ওপর পিঠে, মধ্যশিরা বরাবর বসে থাকে ।

উদ্ভিদের পাতার ডাঁটা কিংবা মধ্যশিরা থেকে এবাকা তন্তু পাওয়া যায় ।

প্রত্যেকটি খন্ডের মাঝখানে একটি মধ্যশিরা থাকে ।

শুকনো মধ্যশিরা নৌকা তৈরিতে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

এরা পাতার অপর-পিঠে, সাধারনত মধ্যশিরা বরাবর রেশমি সুতোর একটা প্রলেপ তৈরি করে তার উপর বসে থাকে ।

পাতার রং ধূসর-সবুজ এবং পাতার মাঝখানে সাদা বর্ণের মধ্যশিরা থাকে ।

বন্ধনীটি এবং তার থেকে বের হওয়া সরুতর তীর্যক দাগগুলির উপস্থিতি (পাতার মধ্যশিরা থেকে বের হওয়া প্বার্শবর্তী উপশিরাগুলির ন্যায়) এই সাদৃশ্যকে আরো বেশি করে ।

midribs's Usage Examples:

jew's harp and are usually made from bamboo and midribs of palm trees.

Karindings made of palm tree midribs are traditionally used by male players, and bamboo.

segments of the sausage are uniquely divided by small pieces of coconut leaf midribs (sometimes mistaken for "toothpicks").

Most stick charts were made from the midribs of coconut fronds that were tied together to form an open framework.

by the use of pairs of hooks or tendrils formed by the end of the leaf midribs.

gray-green fronds with reddish midribs.

'Pictum' is also considered to be a cultivar; varieties and cultivars are bred to achieve midribs in many shades of red.

The stalks and most midribs are coated with attractive cinnamon-brown scales.

disc and the undersides of its leaves are occasionally fine-haired on the midribs.

names refer to the viciously sharp, spiny stems, petioles, and even leaf midribs.

are up to 20 centimeters long by 7 wide and may be folded along their midribs.

leafless flattened stems which divided dichotomously and had prominent midribs regarded as containing vascular tissues.

The fruit is a bristly nutlet with prickles along its midribs.

Flowers are urn-shaped, about 6 mm across; tepals white with pinkish midribs; anthers and pollen are yellow; ovary does not have a crest.

flower has six tepals which are green-tinged white in color with brownish midribs and no more than 6 millimeters in length.

fronds have mostly colourless hairs and some brown-tinged hairs on the midribs, while the stalks have red-brown or pale-brown bristly hairs.

with purple, pink with purple, or bronze-green with carmine and lighter midribs, purple beneath.

flavescens) - Chard leaves have thick and fleshy midribs.

Both the midribs and the leaf blades are used as vegetables, often in separate.

fragrans has long, sword-like green leaves, with midribs that can be red.

Flowers are up to 10 mm (3⁄8 in) across; tepals pink or purple with green midribs; anthers blue; pollen white or light gray.

from Eurasia, with white midribs on the flowers C.

montana – from the United States, maybe with green-tinted midribs on the flowers Convallaria.


vein; nervure; midvein;

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