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migraine headache Meaning in Bengali

 মাইগ্রেনের ব্যাথা,

migraine headache's Usage Examples:

migraines, and is a headache that fulfills diagnostic criteria for migraine headache and occurs for a greater time interval.

drugs are medications intended to reduce the effects or intensity of migraine headache.

[citation needed] Familial hemiplegic migraine is a form of hemiplegic migraine headache that runs in families.

This combination is used for the treatment of headaches, such as migraine headache.

Retinal migraine is a retinal disease often accompanied by migraine headache and typically affects only one eye.

usually followed, after a time varying from minutes to an hour, by the migraine headache.

It may precede a migraine headache, but can also occur acephalgically (without headache).

Migraine-associated vertigo, vertigo or dizziness associated with migraine headache MAV, stage name for Swedish country singer Anders Lundström Magyar.

rimegepant takes effect within an hour and can provide relief from migraine headache for up to 48 hours.

Sporadic hemiplegic migraine (SHM) is a form of hemiplegic migraine headache isolated cases of which are observed.

guidelines for the nonpharmacologic and pharmacological management of migraine headache in clinical practice.

medication discovered and developed by Almirall for the treatment of heavy migraine headache.

The main characteristics of this condition are retinal dystrophy, optic nerve oedema, splenomegaly, anhidrosis and migraine headache.

precursor to an episode of a chronic neurological disorder such as a migraine headache or an epileptic seizure, where prodrome symptoms may include euphoria.

treatment of nausea and vomiting, are also effective for treating migraine headache.

The symptoms can occur in addition to having migraine headache, or can be mistaken for migraine alone, or dental problems such as.

for migraine headache.

In 2010, the FDA approved intramuscular botulinum toxin injections for prophylactic treatment of chronic migraine headache.

depression phenomena in the central nervous system often presaging migraine headache .


bugaboo; burden; negative stimulus; vexation; encumbrance; incumbrance; load; business; worry; concern; onus;


painless; discharge; unburden; empty; inactivity;

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