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minor term Meaning in Bengali


ছোটখাট শব্দটি,

minor term's Usage Examples:

Illicit treatment of the minor term: Same as above, but for the minor term (S – meaning the proposition is universal) and minor.

fallacy committed in a categorical syllogism that is invalid because its minor term is undistributed in the minor premise but distributed in the conclusion.

The subject of the conclusion is called the minor term while the predicate is the major term.

Nyāya terminology for this example, the hill would be called as paksha (minor term), the fire is called as sādhya (major term), the smoke is called as hetu.

A; a minor premise of type O; the minor premise of the second figure (minor term/copula/middle term) of type C; a conclusion of type O; that is to say.

The end terms in a categorical syllogism are the major term and the minor term (not the middle term).

undistributed middle; Fallacy of illicit process of the major or the minor term; Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise.

Illicit minor – a categorical syllogism that is invalid because its minor term is not distributed in the minor premise but distributed in the conclusion.

cloud appears | | | | A is a major term | | B is a middle term | | C is a minor term | | D is a major term, associated with A | | | o---------------------.

does, upon the different relation of the middle to the major term and minor term.

resulted in him being arrested at the end of 1939 and sentenced to a minor term of imprisonment.

indicating the existence of the major term, and is to be found in the minor term or "paksa", the subject of inference.

the non trivial zeros is equal to the primes power symmetrized plus a minor term.


short; short-run;


long; tall; high;

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