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misjudge Meaning in Bengali

 ভুল ধারণা করা


ভুল ধারণা করা, ভুল বিচার করা, কম করে দেখা,

misjudge শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এটি একটি মারাত্মক ডিভাইস এবং তার গুরুত্ব কম করে দেখা হয় (আন্ডাররেটেড) ।

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মাপে এবং ইউরোপীয় মাপে প্রায়শই একটা ভুল ধারণা করা হয় যে এগুলো টুইন এক্সট্রা লং এর সমতুল্য ।

misjudge's Usage Examples:

preferentially believe information that is consistent with their existing views; misjudge the reliability of their sources of information, and are misled by anecdotal.

brains still act on previous experience gained when it was moving, and so misjudge how to step onto it.

Late dip causes the batsman to misjudge the length of the ball.

sands of the beach keep shifting because of the waves and people often misjudge them.

Goth, Dethany's appearance consistently leads people to underestimate or misjudge her.

This can cause users to misjudge the intake of one or both of the drugs, sometimes fatally.

'Operation battle cry' amidst cry for peace Now, an artillery war Did LTTE misjudge Op.

mistakenly believe that it will be easy to fool the locals - especially they misjudge the wily scrap dealer (Karl Stegger) and his mute assistant (Preben Kaas).

and pace imparted to various deliveries to try to cause the batsman to misjudge and make a mistake.

Consequently, the defender may misjudge and inadvertently turn the ball into their own goal, particularly if they.

into the dramaturgy of several moments of the play: "we will profoundly misjudge the position if we do not recognize that, whilst this is Weiner Hamlet.

the god of sleep asking that none, whether out of ignorance or spite, misjudge the meaning of his dream.

cues and stereotypes of gay people to make their judgments, but reliably misjudge sexual orientation for people countering stereotypes.

The airport had no radar; the air traffic controller proceeded to misjudge the distance of the aircraft from the airport, and directed the flight.

They misjudge him because they were made to believe that Umbrella stands for the common.

Though the tides change in very regular cycles, anyone can easily misjudge the situation and find themselves quickly surrounded by the rising water.

Board also noted: Initiative 200 proponents forget where we've been and misjudge where we are.

an indifferent ride on Sandwich in the 1931 Derby, when he appeared to misjudge the waiting tactics, and a broken leg sustained in a fall at Newcastle.

featureless deep playa (on which it was very easy to lose one's bearings or misjudge distances and wind up stranded alone in the desert), this navigation aid.


err; misestimate; underrate; mistake; overrate; overestimate; underestimate; slip; miscalculate;


better; overgarment; natural object; underestimate; overestimate;

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