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missense Meaning in Bengali


প্রয়োগ করা, বিধান করা,

missense শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সরকারের মৌলিক দায়িত্ব জনগণের অভিপ্রায় অনুযায়ী দেশের নিরাপত্তা বিধান করা, সমাজের শান্তি বজায় রাখা, মানুষের জান-মাল রক্ষা করা এবং বিবাদের ক্ষেত্রে ।

টেস্টভূক্ত দেশ বাদ-বাকী নয় দেশের বিরুদ্ধে দেশে ও বিদেশে খেলার নিশ্চয়তা বিধান করা হয় ।

সুষ্ঠু পুনর্বাসন ; আর দুই. স্থানীয় আদিবাসী উপজাতিগুলির সর্বাঙ্গীণ উন্নতি বিধান করা

missense's Usage Examples:

In genetics, a missense mutation is a point mutation in which a single nucleotide change results in a codon that codes for a different amino acid.

Sequence alterations including point, missense and nonsense mutations, as well as those that affect splicing, result in.

screening of six XL-SMA families provided results indicating two novel missense mutations in two families and a novel synonymous C→T substitution in another.

A missense mutation changes a codon so that a different.

"Different missense mutations at the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase gene locus in.

"Identification of a missense mutation (S436R) in the acid sphingomyelinase gene from a Japanese patient.

disorder is inherited in an X-linked dominant manner, and is attributed to a missense mutation in the MED12 gene.

A point-nonsense mutation differs from a missense mutation, which is a point mutation where a single nucleotide is changed.

This possibly suggests HT1 missense mutations also inhibiting enzymatic activity.

SMA-PME is associated with a missense mutation (c.

It is associated with hypomorphic missense mutations in immunologically relevant genes of T-cells (and B-cells) such.

blood groups, with variations due to deletions, gene conversions, and missense mutations.

nonsynonymous substitutions: missense – single change in the base results in change in amino acid of protein.

In donkeys, no light points (loss of pangare) is caused by a recessive missense mutation at agouti.

NET proteins with an altered amino acid sequence (more specifically, a missense mutation) could potentially be associated with various diseases that involve.

Y41F, a missense mutation, is also located in FOXC2 AD-1.

Nicolaides–Baraitser syndrome (NCBRS) is a rare genetic condition caused by de novo missense mutations in the SMARCA2 gene and has only been reported in fewer than.

"A novel missense mutation and two microrearrangements in the FOXC2 gene of three families.

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