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misspellings Meaning in Bengali



misspellings's Usage Examples:

of common words is presented below, under Documented list of common misspellings.

These are commonly called "misspellings".

for Bloods 🅱eter for Peter Griffin Along the same lines, intentional misspellings can be used to promote a specific negative attribute, real or perceived.

spell checker (or spell check) is a software feature that checks for misspellings in a text.

of which were challenged by Miller for various errors including minor misspellings.

Creative misspellings and ASCII-art-derived words were also a way to attempt to indicate one.

Damerau's paper considered only misspellings that could be corrected with at most one edit operation.

bz (organizations) It also might have use for typosquatting for misspellings of .

These faults may include errors of pronunciation, misspellings, word malformations, and malapropisms.

ǀauni, ǁauni, Auni are misspellings.

Due to frequent misspellings of his surname, he is sometimes mistakenly reported as two different.

established names, genera that are no longer considered xiphosurans and misspellings.

The program can search for a word or a phrase, including misspellings or gibberish.



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