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mistype Meaning in Bengali

mistype's Usage Examples:

frequently-accessed website address in the hope of receiving traffic when internet users mistype that address into a web browser.

A mistype in the original volume in which Eduard Rüppell named the species led to.

Sheriff's Department The "T" in George Franklin Fulgham's name is possible mistype.

Administrators can make mistakes and mistype in network information, or configure incorrect routing paths by mistake.

on a paper record of the interment (without a photograph), it's easy to mistype the date, so you're bound to find errors.

sequences of symbols that are difficult to read or understand, and worse, a mistype can easily produce a different sequence of gibberish that although accepted.

explicitly not compliant with the current DIN 2137-1:2012-06) leads to mistype a spacing accent instead of an apostrophe (e.

Corps regiments 24th Marines, Action Report Saipan, 3d Bn 24th Marines mistype should be Jun instead of July Zec, Donald.

in the proper way, somewhat like the English prefix mis- in misspeak, mistype, misspell, etc.

doctor provides host correction and a search query to users when they mistype a URL Allowed users to save their decision to launch an external protocol.

462 gives 食菜萸 but probably mistype since this is not pronounced Wade–Giles: Shih-chu-yü 川原勝征; 初島住彦 (2001).

A user might mistype a URL.

Rugby Statbunker figure was released several weeks later and may well be a mistype.

mistype's Meaning in Other Sites