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modifiable Meaning in Bengali

 রূপান্তর বিধায়ক,


রূপান্তর বিধায়ক,

modifiable's Usage Examples:

The modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) is a source of statistical bias that can significantly impact the results of statistical hypothesis tests.

several risk factors, including modifiable (behavioral, including dietary and use of certain drugs) and non-modifiable (for instance, loss of bone mass.

For custom collections data models are freely modifiable.

attributes may, for example, indicate or specify whether a file is visible, modifiable, compressed, or encrypted.

non-modifiable framework code: The framework code, in general, is not supposed to be.

While early efforts made reference to dynamic syntax and extensible, modifiable, dynamic, and adaptable grammars, more recent usage has tended towards.

programming to efficiently implement a "duplicate" or "copy" operation on modifiable resources.

open-source cola, where the instructions for making it are freely available and modifiable.

[52] The translation is controlled via a modifiable vocabulary and supported by modifiable compiler error messages.

through a hollow needle, that penetrates the stretched cloth backing for a modifiable length.

linker to place unmodifiable and modifiable data in different address ranges and provide a mechanism for the modifiable data to be copied to writable memory.

burden and more than one-third of the burden among children was due to modifiable environmental factors.

to "base" a variable or array, making the memory location dynamic and modifiable during execution.

variation in genes of known function to examine the causal effect of a modifiable exposure on disease in observational studies.

example, operant psychology uses the term to refer to the actions that are modifiable by their consequences.

modifiable or non-modifiable.

Non-modifiable risk factors include age greater than 55, sex, family history, genetics, and race/ethnicity.

with the analysis of spatial data, among these are boundary delineation, modifiable areal units, and the level of spatial aggregation or scale.

atherosclerosis are the subjects of intense research, as they may be modifiable causes of morbidity in people with obesity.

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