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more than that Meaning in Bengali


more than that's Usage Examples:

They cannot take more than that; they don’t have granaries.

As with an SI symbol, a gene symbol is like an abbreviation but is more than that, being a second unique name that can stand on its own just as much as.

Historically, coupling chains were no more than that, a short length of heavy chain (typically three links long) with no.

The union had a membership of some 16,000 in the 1930s, considerably more than that of its rival, the National Union of Railway and Harbour Servants, which.

the largest team in a town with a population of over 105,000 people (more than that of the home towns of many full-time professional teams) their profile.

When deciding a case, however, the chief justice's vote counts no more than that of any other justice.

success and Super Mario Land ultimately sold over 18 million copies, more than that of Super Mario Bros.

Despite its orbital distance more than that of Earth, the orbital period is less than a year, because the parent.

deciding the cases argued before it; the chief justice's vote counts no more than that of any other justice.

− adduct decreased by more than that of the DMPO‐OH adduct and the concentration-dependent drop in signal.

the one-of-a-kind telescope cost "60,000 for the hardware, and much more than that for the associated software.

“Africa’s rock art is the common heritage of all Africans, but it is more than that.

occurs collectively, expressing the values and desires of the community more than that of individuals or couples.

The popularity and reputation of the Fasti has fluctuated more than that of any of Ovid's other works.

setup for nearly every tour, and Entwistle's equipment changed even more than that.

or promote a belief system, although some explicitly require nothing more than that a member is a present or former student.

unclassified within Cushitic, as records are too fragmentary to allow more than that.


aircraft; balloon; airship; dirigible;



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