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motor nerves Meaning in Bengali


চেষ্টা নার্ভ, চালক নার্ভ, বহির্মুখ নার্ভ,

motor nerves's Usage Examples:

muscles (and so motor nerves are not equivalent to efferent nerves).

In addition, there are nerves that serve as both sensory and motor nerves called mixed.

The other nerves in the SNS are motor nerves carrying efferent nerve fibers that relay motor commands from the CNS.

It also provides motor nerves for the longus capitis, longus colli, anterior scalene, middle scalene.

nerves carry the afferent fibers to enter into the spinal cord, and motor nerves carry the efferent fibers out of the spinal cord to act on skeletal muscles.

there is motor axonal degeneration with antibody-mediated attacks of motor nerves and nodes of Ranvier.

system, in particular verifying the differentiation between sensory and motor nerves in the spinal cord, the so-called Bell-Magendie law.

He is noted for discovering the difference between sensory nerves and motor nerves in the spinal cord.

FOSMN, is a rare disorder of the nervous system in which sensory and motor nerves of the face and limbs progressively degenerate over a period of months.

Rykor's spinal cord, allowing the brain of the Kaldane to control its motor nerves and sensory nerves.

Nuclei of origin of cranial motor nerves schematically represented; lateral view.

The motor nerves form depending on rhombomeric patterns, but each nerve can come from.

have a longer strength-duration time constant and a lower rheobase than motor nerves.

Peripheral motor nerves carry the motor impulses from the anterior horn to the voluntary muscles.

Trochlear nerve Nuclei of origin of cranial motor nerves schematically represented; lateral view.

The motor nerves of the forehead connect to the facial nerve.


assisted; aided;


unassisted; unbacked; unsupported;

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