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move Meaning in Bengali

 নড়া বা নাড়ান, স্থান পরিবর্তন করা


খেলার চাল, খেলার দান, ধাপ, অগ্রগমন, অপসারণ, উত্থাপন, জাগরণ, গতি, চলন, চালন, চালনা, অবস্থানের পরিবর্তন, পদক্ষেপ,


জাগা, নড়া, নড়ান, নাড়া, নাচান, জাগান, গমন করা, উত্থাপন করা, প্রস্তাব করা, রাজী করান, বিচলিত করা, অনুভূতিতে নাড়া দেত্তয়া, স্থানান্তরে যাত্তয়া, চালান, চালা, চালনা করা, নাড়ান, অপসারিত করা, অপসারণ করা, হৃদয়স্পর্শ করা, অপসরণ হত্তয়া, অপসরণ করা, হাঁটা, চলা, পদব্রজে চলা, চলাচল করা, সরা, অগ্রসর হত্তয়া, স্থানান্তর করা,

move's Usage Examples:

White moves first, after which players alternate turns, moving one piece per turn (except for castling, when two pieces are moved).

A piece is moved to either.

club's home ground is the Etihad Stadium in east Manchester, to which it moved in 2003, having played at Maine Road since 1923.

against the king is called absolute since the pinned piece cannot legally move out of the line of attack (as moving it would expose the king to check).

exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula.

pages have been moved or deleted.

White moves first, then players alternate moves.

Making a move is required; it is not legal to skip a move, even when having to move is detrimental.

images and audio files, as well as text files, many of the images have been moved to Wikimedia Commons with the same name, as passed-through files.

Points on the Earth's surface move relative to each other due to continental plate motion, subsidence, and diurnal.

Raised in Wyckoff, New Jersey, the Jonas Brothers moved to Little Falls, New Jersey, in 2005, where they wrote their first record.

[citation needed] Born and raised in West Newbury, Massachusetts, Cena moved to California in 1998 to pursue a career as a bodybuilder.

the female gamete is very much larger than the male and has no ability to move.

then-owner Donald Sterling despite the NBA explicitly prohibiting the proposed move.

generally move from west to east; warm fronts form east of the cyclone center and are usually preceded by stratiform precipitation and fog.

Warm fronts move poleward.


ski; jounce; proceed; rush along; precede; slice through; go across; retreat; wing; back; surpass; scramble; go through; blow; draw back; ghost; derail; carry; spirt; ease; go by; move on; steamer; roll; play; beetle; move up; lead; repair; wander; bounce; rise; tram; ramble; raft; fall; circuit; betake oneself; go; hurry; come; swing; precess; flock; breeze; hiss; travel; weave; return; swap; wind; hotfoot; cannonball along; withdraw; whish; circulate; forge; pass by; change; seek; round; turn; spread; zip; err; move back; pull back; propagate; vagabond; bang; locomote; shack; slide; whistle; pursue; cruise; accompany; swash; jump; tread; displace; zigzag; pull away; arise; crawl; move around; crank; sift; step on it; whoosh; outflank; cast; island hop; caravan; follow; continue; overfly; fly; draw; go on; whine; walk; plow; steam; resort; race; circle; travel purposefully; wend; pass on; stray; hie; angle; billow; recede; retire; advance; descend; travel rapidly; slice into; rove; sit; go forward; range; step; prance; slither; glide; pass; bucket along; swan; drive; lance; hurtle; ride; push; trundle; taxi; lurch; snowshoe; career; go past; march on; journey; zoom; trail; spurt; belt along; pass over; come down; be adrift; rush; drift; come up; lift; go up; retrograde; run; get about; thread; swim; motor; travel by; progress; float; whisk; go around; speed; ferry; meander; creep; plough; transfer; ascend; take the air; automobile; pace; pelt along; travel along; pan; wheel; shuttle; go down; roam; get around; do; uprise; tramp; drag; hasten;


follow; fall; advance; go; descend; precede; stay in place; linger; ride; ascend; recede; rise;

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