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mulga Meaning in Bengali



mulga's Usage Examples:

The Mulga Lands are an interim Australian bioregion of eastern Australia consisting of dry sandy plains with low mulga woodlands and shrublands that are.

Acacia aneura, commonly known as mulga or true mulga, is a shrub or small tree native to arid outback areas of Australia.

Its alternative common name is the mulga snake, although it lives in many habitats apart from mulga.

The pygmy mulga monitor (Varanus gilleni), also known as Gillen's monitor or just mulga monitor is a species of lizard in the family Varanidae.

Australia (IBRA) region in Western Australia and part of the Western Australian mulga shrublands ecoregion.

Dense mulga scrub typical of Queensland's Mulga Lands bioregion grows in this park.

The mulga parrot (Psephotellus varius) is endemic to arid scrublands and lightly timbered grasslands in the interior of southern Australia.

The male mulga.

diphylla Acacia brachystachya—Umbrella mulga, turpentine mulga, false bowgada Acacia brassii Acacia brockii Acacia bromilowiana.

It is one of Australia's two mulga ecoregions, characterized.

vegetation found in the area is mostly spinifex and mulga with creeklines being surrounded by eucalypts.

Part of the mulga lands bioregion this is an area of dry sandy plain with small trees and.

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