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multilateralism Meaning in Bengali

multilateralism's Usage Examples:

international relations, multilateralism refers to an alliance of multiple countries pursuing a common goal.

stands in contrast with multilateralism, the pursuit of foreign policy goals alongside allies.

Unilateralism and multilateralism represent different policy.

It is in contrast to unilateralism or multilateralism, which is activity by a single state or jointly by multiple states.

Its targets were multilateralism and interdependence of nations in the search for a sustainable development.

on topics related to globalization, global governance processes and multilateralism, and has been recognized as a KU Leuven Centre of Excellence.

Canada's commitment to multilateralism has been closely related to peacekeeping efforts.

Its objectives are to promote the values of the UN Charter, defend multilateralism, work towards a better United Nations Organisation and raise awareness.

Both have a stance of multilateralism.

GPF seeks to strengthen intergovernmental organizations and promote multilateralism based on solidarity, international law and the United Nations Charter.

" Smart power addresses multilateralism and enhances foreign policy.

He has been a spokesman for a strong defense and multilateralism.

existence the country played a prominent role in the promotion of multilateralism and narrowing of the Cold War divisions in which various UN bodies.

and altruism, expressed in the vision of universal multilateralism.

Above all, multilateralism simply meant nondiscrimination via the elimination or.

and economic inequality; free trade; institutional co-operation; multilateralism; and the rejection of international coercion.

74th Session is "Effective responses to global crises: strengthening multilateralism and dialogue among civilizations for international peace, security.

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