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multipartite Meaning in Bengali

 নানা ভাগে ভাগ করা,

আরো দুই পক্ষের জড়িত


নানা ভাগে ভাগ করা,

multipartite শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

স্টেশনে জ্বালানী ব্যবহারের দিক থেকে ও প্রাইম মুভারের ব্যবহারের দিক থেকে নানা ভাগে ভাগ করা যায় ।

রাসায়নিক গঠনের উপর ভিত্তি করে আন্টিবায়োটিককে নানা ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়েছে ।

multipartite's Usage Examples:

complete multipartite graph is a graph that is complete k-partite for some k.

The Turán graphs are the special case of complete multipartite graphs in.

19th-century Italian opera, la solita forma (literally conventional form or multipartite form or double aria) is the formal design of scenes found during the.

Additionally, Nakamurella multipartite, currently part of the order Frankiales, also formed a clade with the.

Indeed, in multipartite entanglement apart from fully separable states and fully entangled states.

Ghostball was the first multipartite virus discovered.

+|100\rangle )} and which is remarkable for representing a specific type of multipartite entanglement and for occurring in several applications in quantum information.

few ssDNA viruses have multipartite genomes, but a lot more RNA viruses have multipartite genomes.

An advantage of multipartite genome is its ability to.

However, it does not exclude beyond-quantum correlations in multipartite situations.

As opposed to multipartite, viruses composed of monopartite genomes have a single molecule of nucleic.

complete multipartite 1-planar graphs are K6, K1,1,1,6, K1,1,2,3, K2,2,2,2, K1,1,1,2,2, and their subgraphs.

The minimal non-1-planar complete multipartite graphs.

They are the complement graphs of the complete multipartite graphs and the 2-leaf powers.

Multiplicative partitions closely parallel the study of multipartite partitions, discussed in Andrews (1976), which are additive partitions.

m>1} of G {\displaystyle G} , unless G {\displaystyle G} is a complete multipartite graph.

Werner states can be generalized to the multipartite case.

The Turán graph T(n,r) is a complete multipartite graph formed by partitioning a set of n vertices into r subsets, with sizes as equal as possible, and.

nonlocality refers to the phenomenon by which the measurement statistics of a multipartite quantum system do not admit an interpretation in terms of a local realistic.

The use of multipartite entangled states instead of a bipartite maximally entangled state allows.

more equal-sized complete graphs, and their complements, the complete multipartite graphs with equal-sized independent sets.

the case of considering entanglement between more than two systems (multipartite entanglement).

multipartite's Meaning':

involving more than two parties


many-sided; multilateral;


unilateral; unvaried; colourless;

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