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multiple voting Meaning in Bengali


একাধিক ভোট,

multiple voting শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

একাধিক ভোট দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করার জন্য কিছু ব্যক্তি বেশ কয়েকটি ভিন্ন ভিন্ন নামে ভোট ।

multiple voting's Usage Examples:

players is the lowest ever by any team in a single season under a multiple voting system.

by Western standards with issues noted including ballot tampering, multiple voting, harassment of opposition candidates and press censorship.

international observers with issues noted including ballot tampering, multiple voting, repression of opposition candidates and press censorship.

in Chad, arguing that they have problems such as electoral fraud, multiple voting, underage voting, and low voter turnout.

There was manhood suffrage in single and multimember districts (with multiple voting), and using first past the post (plurality) voting.

names for this phenomenon are "vote in the dark", "truant voting", "multiple voting", "vote for himself and for the other guy", "piano voting", "pianism".

candidate registration, media access and voting irregularities, including multiple voting.

paying a £10 rental or occupying land to that value, and restricts multiple voting; this increases the Irish electorate from 126,000 to 738,000.

The allegations that remained concerned allegations of multiple voting and impersonation.

have preferential dividends or liquidation rights, and shares with multiple voting rights are discouraged altogether so as to prevent the concentration.

was limited to one vote for seven monuments per person/identity, but multiple voting was possible through telephone.

March, the Electoral Commission referred four more cases of apparent multiple voting to police.

that it would conduct cross-checks to identify potential cases of multiple voting if any complaints were raised.

social-networking and identity providers for verification to minimize multiple voting.

with preferred stock, but not in countries which have laws against multiple voting and non-voting shares.

discovered a method that allowed them to upload malicious programs to multiple voting machines.

of these went to UFA candidates (none ran in Calgary) this massive multiple voting going elsewhere gave the UFA a lower proportion overall.

An election requires multiple voting rounds when no member wins an absolute majority.


ballot; vote; balloting; voting;


straight ticket; split ticket;

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