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muttered Meaning in Bengali

 বিড়বিড় করা, বিড়বিড় করিয়া বলা, গোপনে বলা,


বিড়বিড় করিয়া বলা, বিড়বিড় করা,

muttered শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যোগাযোগ করা, বা কথোপকথনের সময় বা জনসমক্ষে বক্তৃতা প্রদানের সময় ক্রমাগত বিড়বিড় করা থেকেও বিরত থাকতে পারেন ।

muttered's Usage Examples:

has led to a story in which a dying man, found by Balis, is said to have muttered he was 'hungry', which became Henkries.

the hand-brake as we sped towards what seemed imminent collision, Phipps muttered to himself, 'This is just going to be a question of upbringing.

”, muttered slowly in a low, sinister voice while steepling his fingertips.

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564 –1642), who, according to legend, muttered the phrase eppur si muove, meaning "And yet it does move", after being.

Repeating after the natives, the sailors muttered, "Ah! Buyog".

her to expect to be in a wheelchair the rest of her life, to which she muttered an expletive.

McKean recalled that "Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul ' Mary looked at us and muttered, 'Too close, too close.

'Then he muttered something about killing me,' Bowen writes.

the United States House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, when a staffer muttered that "The last time you were here, you cost us a billion dollars".

As he lay dying he muttered the words "turn me over that I may die with my face to the enemy.

James Stewart, star of Rope, did not like the long takes and apparently muttered on set that the cameras were more important than the actors.

prisoner in the heart, and with his dying breath on the floor, the subject muttered his final words; "So.

Three out of the four men muttered almost simultaneously, 'It is impossible.

her husband was incredibly distressed when she last saw him and often muttered the phrase "Les Jardins du Souvenir" (The Memory Garden) whilst writing.

recent style of continental bodices, most agreed that what he must have muttered while the train slowed referred to the most obvious natural features of.

With her hands clasped and legs crossed, Lucina muttered charms, thereby preventing Alcmene from giving birth.

277: "'Look at the bugger,' muttered Thuriot, an old associate of Danton.

"He glanced at my CV, then muttered: 'I don't think you'd be happy at Keble'".

energy as Callaway’s debut; squalling, distorted guitars, snatches of muttered conversation in the background, sheer screams, ghostly chimes, menacing.

flag, a Bible and an unsheathed sword, set fire to a crude wooden cross, muttered a few incantations about a "practical fraternity among men," and declared.


mumble; talk; mussitate; verbalise; mouth; maunder; speak; utter; verbalize;


incomplete; mitigated; specify; close up; shout;

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