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mycelia Meaning in Bengali

একটি ছত্রাক এর জায়মান অংশ সুতার hyphae শাখাবিন্যাস একটি ভর গঠিত



mycelia's Usage Examples:

mycelium, which cannot reproduce sexually; when two compatible monokaryotic mycelia join and form a dikaryotic mycelium, that mycelium may form fruiting bodies.

zygosporangia after the fusion of specialized budding structures, from mycelia of the same (in homothallic fungi) or different mating types (in heterothallic.

compatible haploids which are usually mycelia being composed of filamentous hyphae.

Typically haploid Basidiomycota mycelia fuse via plasmogamy and then the.

through the fusion of two species or the chemically-induced stimulation of mycelia, leading to oospore formation.

Diplocarpon rosae grows over seasons as mycelia, ascospores, and conidia in infected leaves and canes.

reproduction, a dark zygospore is produced at the point where two compatible mycelia fuse.

of fungi, in which the protoplasm of two parent cells (usually from the mycelia) fuses together without the fusion of nuclei, effectively bringing two.

saucerlike or cup-shaped crust with a cheesy odor, composed of dense mats of mycelia and epithelial debris.

In this role the colonies often grow extensive mycelia, like a fungus would, and the name of an important order of the phylum.

Bioluminescence is also observable with mycelia grown in laboratory culture, and the growth conditions for optimal light.

The sterile fungi, or mycelia sterilia are a group of fungi that do not produce any known spores, either sexual or asexual.


They have aerial mycelia and spherical, motile spores.

As the mold grows it produces fluffy, white mycelia, binding the beans together to create an edible "cake" of partly catabolized.

Bioluminescence may occur in both mycelia and fruit bodies, as in Panellus stipticus and Omphalotus olearius, or only in mycelia and young rhizomorphs, as in.

characterise a particular kind of zone line formed between wood-rotting fungal mycelia.

name of an alpha-glucan rich nutritional supplement produced from the mycelia of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) of the basidiomycete family of mushrooms.

mycelia's Meaning':

the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae


hypha; fungus; plant structure; plant part; sclerotium;



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