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mydriasis Meaning in Bengali

একটি পেশী যেমন প্রতিবিম্ব pupillary প্রসারণ Iris বাহ্যিক pulls; আলো অথবা নির্দিষ্ট ওষুধের হ্রাস প্রতিক্রিয়ায় দেখা দেয়

mydriasis's Usage Examples:

Tetramethoxyamphetamine produces a threshold, mydriasis, and a headache.

The opposite condition, mydriasis, is the dilation of the pupil.

Cycloplegia with accompanying mydriasis (dilation of pupil) is usually due to topical application of muscarinic.

2,α-DMT causes mydriasis and paresthesia.

It induces mydriasis.

It is used to reverse mydriasis after eye examination.

is used medically in eye drops to dilate the pupil (a process called mydriasis), so that the back of the eye can be examined.

Therefore, dilation of the pupil (mydriasis) is often accomplished with medicated eye drops before funduscopy.

visual disorders, speech disorders, lazy eye amblyopia, pupil dilation (mydriasis), abdominal distention, dry mouth, numbness of lips, constipation, and.

Shulgin reports that BOH causes slight warmth, mydriasis, anorexia, mild nausea, and cold feet, with no psychedelic, entactogen.

short ciliary nerve may result in loss of the pupillary light reflex, or mydriasis.

three hallmark symptoms, namely at least one abnormally dilated pupil (mydriasis) which does not constrict in response to light, loss of deep tendon reflexes.

A dilation response (mydriasis), is the widening of the pupil and may be caused by adrenaline, anti-cholinergic.

After instillation of cyclopentolate, pupil dilation (mydriasis) typically lasts up to 24 hours, while paralysis of the ciliary muscle.

Side effects include moderate mydriasis, dizziness, sensations of heat or cold, and trembling.

affected individual will also have a ptosis, or drooping of the eyelid, and mydriasis (pupil dilation).

Methyl-DOB produces many physical effects, such as mydriasis and muscle tenseness, but few psychoactive effects.

mydriasis's Meaning':

reflex pupillary dilation as a muscle pulls the iris outward; occurs in response to a decrease in light or certain drugs


reflex action; unconditioned reflex; dilation; reflex response; physiological reaction; innate reflex; instinctive reflex; inborn reflex; reflex; dilatation;


contraction; voluntary;

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