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narial Meaning in Bengali

বা বা nares কাছাকাছি সংক্রান্ত

narial's Usage Examples:

of the premaxilla ended at the level of the hind margin of the external narial opening (bony nostril), and was quadrangular in cross-section rather than.

characterised by its large, arched nasal bones above the snout and larger narial or nostril openings.

the nasals extends farther posteriorly than the maxillae, and there is no narial process of the frontal like in Saghacetus.

include a deep snout, a wavy upper jaw margin, a large and upward-directed narial opening (hole for the nostrils), and blunt teeth at the back of the jaws.

fissure fills, and can be characterized from its high tooth count, lacrimal/narial contact, short postfrontal, and slit-like temporal emargination edged by.

There are broad and shallow narial grooves on the dorsal side of the premaxilla extending the nasal vestibule.

These fish all have an inferior mouth; narial openings widely separated; four pairs of barbels; top of head covered by.

short pectoral-pelvic space with a long pelvic-caudal space, a long pre-narial length, and a relatively large body that is uniformly caramel brown with.

anterodorsal process of the maxilla, is present at the level of the internal narial border of the bone medially.

internarial bar keel, the exclusion of the prefrontals from the narial borders, narial embayments in the frontal and the presence of a quadrate ala groove.

long and forms anterior half of dorsal margin of external naris Expanded narial shelf that extends almost to the snout tip Palatal process of premaxilla.

(2) prefrontal entering the naris; (3) premaxilla contributing to ventral narial margin; (4) postfrontal excluded from the temporal emargination; (5) postorbital.

external naris divided by a nasomaxillary pillar; posterior opening of the narial complex with anteroposteriorly constricted dorsal extension; deeply interdigitating.

Another unusual feature of Teraterpeton is the large size of its narial fenestra, a hole in the skull that serves as the opening for the nostril.

elaborate bony crest atop its skull, which contained the elongate narial passages.

The narial passages extended into the crest, first into separate pockets.

deemed part of a new species because of its extremely elongated internal narial aperture, which was notably longer than those of previously described specimens.

includes sweets (Suji halwa, laddu, barfi), kheel (sugar-coated puffed rice), narial (coconut) and flowers.

narial's Meaning':

of or relating to or near the nares

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