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nasion Meaning in Bengali

নাকের ব্রিজে craniometric যেখানে খুলি দেখা ফ্রন্টাল এবং অনুনাসিক হাড়

nasion's Usage Examples:

For example, the sella (S) and the nasion (N) are points that together form the sella-nasion line (SN or S-N), which can be projected into.

It is a cephalometric landmark that is just superior to the nasion.

skull is called Kocher's point, which is measured 11 cm posterior to the nasion and 3 cm lateral to midline.

The nasion (/ˈneɪziɒn/) is the most anterior point of the frontonasal suture that joins the nasal part of the frontal bone and the nasal bones.

For example, a measurement is taken across the top of the head, from the nasion to inion.

approximately the mid-pupillary line) and approximately 11 cm posterior to the nasion, or 10 cm posterior from the glabella.

The suture can either bisect the frontal bone and run from nasion to bregma or persist as a partial metopic suture (see image of frontal bone).

after him - the "Aeby's plane", which pertains to the plane through the nasion and brasion.

is upper facial height, from the top of the eyelids (approximately the nasion) to the top lip.

Planes such as the Frankfort horizontal plane or sella-nasion plane have their own drawbacks.

lumbar and lumbosacral region, congenital dermal sinus can occur from the nasion and occiput region down.

singl̩ sounding and ius of letters, mẹ in proses ov teim, bring our họl nasion tu ọn serten, perfet and ʒeneral spẹking.

The term nasion is applied to the middle of the frontonasal suture.

[citation needed] Sella turcica is also usually used as a reference point with nasion to establish the base of the skull in cephalometric analysis.

database consist of glabello-occipital length, nasio-occipital length, basion-nasion length, basion-bregma height, maximum cranial breadth, maximum frontal breadth.

nasion's Meaning':

the craniometric point at the bridge of the nose where the frontal and nasal bones of the skull meet

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