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nastiness Meaning in Bengali

 কদর্যতা, নোংরামি

nastiness শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আমি এখানে দেখি নোংরামি, পর্ন ।

অর্থেও (যেমন obscene profit বা নোংরা মুনাফা, obscenity of war বা যুদ্ধের নোংরামি ইত্যাদি) শব্দটির ব্যবহার দেখা যায় ।

দ্বারা সরাসরি বোঝা যায়, পাপ থেকে পবিত্র হওয়া, কারণ দেহ ও আত্মা উভয়েই নোংরামি থেকে; এবং ফলস্বরূপ, যীশু খ্রিস্টেও সেই গুণাবলী সঞ্চারিত হয়েছিল; স্বর্গের ।

পাথরের সংমিশ্রণটি ত্বক থেকে আলকাতরা, ইঞ্জিন গ্রিজ, রঙ, ময়লা, কুঁচকানো, নোংরামি এবং একই জাতীয় পদার্থকে ঘষে ঘষে পরিষ্কার করে ।

nastiness's Usage Examples:

Syndrome: it vacillates between a disingenuous homeliness and an egomaniacal nastiness.

paint a magical, utopian world, anti-fairy tales paint a dark world of nastiness and cruelty.

masterpiece, a preposterously upsetting, ridiculously hilarious layer cake of nastiness, a romp through a world of nearly infinite deceit.

was praised by critics for its hooks and style, but criticized for its nastiness and sexism.

specifically, from dealing with Bucky's destructive nature and overall nastiness.

Faison and Liesl Obrecht—has garnered Thiebaud praise for making her nastiness believable, with Daytime Confidential calling her a "natural".

give a warm, good-natured cast to the telling of jokes, without the nastiness and aggression that Legman -- and, indeed, Freud -- regard as an integral.

been compared to American Psycho and been described as "mad, gleeful nastiness".

Bdelygmia, deriving from a Greek word meaning "filth" or "nastiness", is a technique used in rhetoric to express hatred of a person, word or action through.

Theodore Dalrymple wrote that the novel "was a work of unutterably tedious nastiness and vulgarity" that "manifested itself even in its first sentence, and.

whip citing anti-semitism in the party, and a "culture of intolerance, nastiness and intimidation" in parts of the party, including in his own constituency.

Guardian's Vera Rule said that their design reminded them "of HR Gigerish bio-nastiness but with Ray Harryhausen animation".

"Sunset and Sawdust is filled with turns and twists, nastiness, broad humor, moments of grace.

will instantly want to plunge their parties into all manner of neutral nastiness.

The election showed some signs of nastiness, as an anonymous letter (signed by a Mr.

your priest worships a god who personifies evil, cruelty and downright nastiness.

Rather than as an actual aversion therapy, the nastiness of the disulfiram-alcohol reaction is deployed as a drinking deterrent.

"upward" nastiness – i.

directed toward bosses – as the rarest form and occurring in only 1% of the cases, while perceived "downward" nastiness is estimated.


foulness; filthiness; unsanitariness; filth;


good; benevolence; pleasantness; nice; niceness;

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