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negatived Meaning in Bengali

বিরুদ্ধে ভোট; অনুমোদন করতে অস্বীকার; সম্মতি করতে অস্বীকার


ঋণরাশি, নাস্তিবাচক গঠনপ্রণালী, অস্বীকৃতিপূর্ণ বিবৃতি,


খণ্ডন করা, অস্বীকার করা, ভুল বলিয়া প্রতিপাদন করা, মিথ্যা বলিয়া প্রতিপাদন করা,


অপর, নাস্তিবাচক, নাধর্মী, বিরূদ্ধ, সম্পর্কশূন্যতাসূচক, অস্বীকৃতিপূর্ণ, অস্বীকারমূলক, ঋণাত্মক, নেতিবাচক,

negatived's Usage Examples:

was negatived.

16 October 2013: Second attempt of the motion on "Vote of no confidence in the Chief Executive" by the pan democrats was negatived.

author of the Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy , but this conjecture is negatived by counter claims supported on better authority.

The latter conclusion is negatived by the whole tenor of those statutes [.

on the Order Paper" was put and negatived.

The question on the main motion was then duly put and declared negatived.

If the appointment of zaildars has not already been considered and negatived, a Settlement Officer, as soon as he feels that he has a sufficient acquaintance.

made merely for the sake of circumventing procedural requirements that a negatived question cannot be tabled again.

If the intention may be negatived impliedly it may be negatived expressly.

state the new standard of non-obviousness: "Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made.

of equitable tracing, the fiduciary character of the defendant's receipt was expressly negatived.

Despite amendments to the Bill tabled by Hunsinger being ‘negatived’ at the sitting, all opposition parties walked out – rendering the House.

When all clauses have been debated and amendments agreed to or negatived, the bill is reported back, and there is a final vote on whether the report.

The Appropriation Bill was passed on 21 May 2013 with 684 amendments negatived.

permission of ministers tabling documents at the end of answers, which was negatived.

The Bill was negatived in November 2019.

The house negatived the motion made in Brodie's favour.

from those facts, any injustice that it might do will be to some extent negatived by the reader seeing the grounds upon which the unfavourable inference.

reporting is simplified to a style line ("Motion approved" or "Motion negatived").

eloquence that he secured their acquittal, and the proposed inquiry was negatived in the House of Lords by a large majority, George II remarking that "he.

Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the invention was made.

On a division, the motion of Dunlop was negatived by a vote of 159 to 49.

negatived's Meaning':

vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent


pessimistic; quality; counter; destructive; unsupportive; antagonistic; perverse;


constructive; positive; supportive; optimistic; neutral;

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