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neglect of duty Meaning in Bengali


কর্তব্যে অবহেলা,

neglect of duty শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

স্পেশাল পুলিশ নিযুক্ত হইয়া কেহ বিনা কারণে কর্তব্যে অবহেলা করিলে বা কর্তব্য করিতে A¯^xKvi করিলে তাহার প্রতি গাফিলতির দায়ে ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের ।

যে সব ক্ষত্রিয় তার কর্তব্যে অবহেলা করেছেন, তাদের এই নদীতে চুবিয়ে রাখা হয় ।

অনুভূত সুখ এবং আত্মসম্মান এবং নিম্ন রক্তচাপ, বিষণ্ণতা, এবং ক্লিনিকাল কর্তব্যে অবহেলা বিষয় গুলো জড়িত ।

neglect of duty's Usage Examples:

The Seventies Quorum removed their fellowship from Gee for "neglect of duty" at a meeting in March 1838, although he was never excommunicated.

blamed the warden and officials for "critical security breaches, gross neglect of duty, and ineptitude.

of the second train and the Blackheath signalman were charged with "neglect of duty causing the deaths of 11 persons".

Comptroller General for certain specified reasons, including "inefficiency, 'neglect of duty,' or 'malfeasance.

As a result, the council impeached him for "neglect of duty" and voted him out by a 10-2 margin on December 28, 1865.

Some of the strike methods included neglect of duty and breaking into public buildings.

Pinney was charged with neglect of duty over his actions but was acquitted at trial.

was arrested for misappropriation of prisoner funds, drunkenness and neglect of duty.

against Verrill Dana for neglect of duty in protecting their clients.

In 2011, the Maine High Court denied the neglect of duty charges, but ruled that.

In February 1814 he was found guilty of gross and criminal neglect of duty and fraudulent conduct, and dismissed from his post.

angry with Alcibiades, thinking that he had lost the ships through neglect of duty and dissolute conduct, and they chose ten new generals, including the.

The mayor and nine other Lutheran officials were blamed for neglect of duty, sentenced to death, and executed on 7 December 1724.

of a felony count of embezzlement as well as misdemeanor counts of neglect of duty and petit larceny.

Authority's functions are to receive complaints alleging misconduct or neglect of duty by police employees; or concerning any practice, policy, or procedure.

complex system which is prone to various issues, it may lead to human neglect of duty, and may lead to higher production demands which by overstressing the.

Anderson was dismissed by the union executive on a charge of "wilful neglect of duty".

Governor may remove any member of the board for misconduct, incompetence, neglect of duty, or any other sufficient cause.

successful career, despite frequent accusations of corruption and neglect of duty.

exchequer matters, that the Irish Treasury had suffered severely from his neglect of duty.

the custody suite when Alder died were guilty of the "most serious neglect of duty" and "unwitting racism".


skip over; leave out; pass over; skip; drop; jump; overlook; overleap; pretermit; omit; forget; miss;


attend to; mind; sharpen; win; stay;

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