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nemoral Meaning in Bengali



nemoral's Usage Examples:

In general nemoral means "pertaining to groves or woodland".

lime-tree woods which are thought to be the relics of a pre-Pleistocene nemoral vegetation of Siberia.

She joined IDJTunes and released a duet with Aco Pejović, titled "Blud i nemoral" (Fornication and Immorality), on 10 October.

The habitat consists of nemoral forests at low elevations.

a mix of nemoral and boreal plant species, and belongs to the Palearctic, Sarmatic mixed forests terrestrial ecoregion (PA0436).

The nemoral species tend.

The habitat consists of nemoral forests.

Orjen, vegetation belt between 1,100 and 1,450 m, Oromediterranean zone, nemoral zone (temperate zone) Biotope: Oreoherzogio-Abietetum illyricae Fuk.

subcontinental lichen Pinus sylvestris forests, while the fourth belongs to nemoral Pinus sylvestris mire forests.

species is found in North America and Eurasia in the boreal, boreal-nemoral, and nemoral regions.

The wetlands are also endowed with small areas of boreo-nemoral broadleaved forests, alvars and dry meadows.

Plant communities with smaller areas include: western boreal and nemoral-montane birch forests, fen and swamp forests, ombrotrophic mires in northern.

There are areas of nemoral forest in the flatter lands, featuring linden, maple, elm, and barberry.

or humic lakes, ponds, peat bogs and wetlands, which overlap the boreo-nemoral zone.

Skåne and a narrow strip along the west coast belong to the nemoral zone where beech (Fagus sylvatica) is the dominant tree species.

The bare mountain zone Southern deciduous forest zone, also known as the nemoral region, the southern deciduous forest zone is a part of a larger vegetation.

nematocyte, nematode, nematology nemor- grove, woods Latin nemus, nemoris nemoral, nemorous nephr- kidney Greek νεφρός (nephrós) mesonephric, mesonephros.

'nemoral' = 'pertaining to a wood or grove' and Nemoralia Gallery at iSpot Lenticels.

In the herbaceous layer, nemoral forest and wet meadow species are common: hairy sedge, raven's eye, stiff-leaved.

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