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neologistic Meaning in Bengali



neologistic's Usage Examples:

fluent forms of aphasia, and comes in three forms: phonemic or literal, neologistic, and verbal.

or /mʌks/ MUKS and sometimes /ɛmˈɛks/ em-EKS) is an English language neologistic honorific that does not indicate gender.

they, without employing uncommonly used (and thus attention-calling) neologistic gender-neutral pronouns such as "thon", "hu", "xe", "sie" and "hir" or.

The main title is a neologistic feminine form for the noun "duel.

Barndominium is a neologistic portmanteau of barn and condominium with multiple meanings.

having an interesting writing style which also includes archaic and neologistic Slovene words.

Euzkotarra (Collection of Basque Saints' Names)—an effort to provide neologistic Basque versions of names instead of the traditional adaptations of Romance.

Creode or chreod is a neologistic portmanteau term coined by the English 20th century biologist C.

("deg" instead of "dog") neologistic Nonword not reaching the criterion for phonological relatedness (i.

Chronosophy is the neologistic designation given by scholar Julius Thomas (J.

Active Users is relatively new or neologistic in nature, that became important with the rise of the commercialised.

applications in the Schengen area of the EU vis, possessive form of the English neologistic gender-neutral pronoun ve FB Vis, a type of Polish handgun The heroine.

Gaelic names appear frequently in modern clan literature, but they are neologistic and are rarely used by Gaelic speakers.

that the Icelandic language had, more than most languages, an "endless neologistic generating capability".

Eurolinguistics is a neologistic term for the study of the languages of Europe.

Although some neologistic products of verbification may meet considerable opposition from prescriptivist.

Hlutabréfamarkaður (‘stock market’), an example of a neologistic compound word formed from hlutur (‘a share’, ‘a part’), bréf (‘a paper’, ‘a letter’).

Since the latter is pronounced [k] in most languages, neologistic equivalents soon appeared in which "ĥ" was replaced by "k", such as teĥniko →.

but exhibit literal and neologistic paraphasia.

Literal paraphasia is the incorrect substitution of phonemes, and neologistic paraphasia is the use of.

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