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nepheline Meaning in Bengali

একটি সাদাটে সোডিয়াম অ্যালুমিনিয়াম সিলিকেট বা অচ্ছ আকারে পটাসিয়াম অ্যালুমিনিয়াম সিলিকেট গঠিত খনিজ; সিরামিক ও এনামেল উত্পাদন ব্যবহার করা

nepheline's Usage Examples:

plutonic rock with <5% normative quartz Nepheline syenite – A silica-undersaturated plutonic rock of nepheline and alkali feldspar Nephelinite – A silica-undersaturated.

Nepheline syenite is a holocrystalline plutonic rock that consists largely of nepheline and alkali feldspar.

such as nepheline syenites.

Eudialyte was first described in 1819 for an occurrence in nepheline syenite.

is a fine-grained or aphanitic igneous rock made up almost entirely of nepheline and clinopyroxene (variety augite).

have potassium equal to or greater than sodium; if sodium is abundant nepheline occurs rather than leucite.

Its intrusive equivalent is nepheline syenite.

An origin by fractionation from basanite through nepheline hawaiite to nepheline benmoreite has been demonstrated for a volcanic suite in the.

with significant nepheline present can be termed a '(nepheline)-bearing syenite', or a '(nepheline)-syenite', with the term (nepheline) replaceable by.

versus silica (TAS) diagram that contains nepheline in its CIPW norm.

Basalts that do not contain normative nepheline are characterized as sub-alkali basalts.

Essexite ( /ˈɛsəkˌsaɪt/), also called nepheline monzogabbro (/ˈnɛfəˌlɪn ˌmɒnzoʊˈɡæbroʊ, -ˌliːn-/), is a dark gray or black holocrystalline plutonic igneous.

alteration product of corundum and nepheline.

It occurs with kaolinite, gibbsite and diaspore in bauxite deposits; and with nepheline, gibbsite, diaspore, natrolite.

sanidine and alkalic pyroxene with accessory titanite, melanite and nepheline.

Mineral content is usually abundant feldspathoids (leucite or nepheline), plagioclase, and lesser alkali feldspar.

It occurs in nepheline syenites and pegmatites in association with aegirine, nepheline, microcline, arfvedsonite, elpidite, loparite.

In some cases, they may take other forms, such as nepheline, leucite, and muscovite, but in the great majority of instances they are.

melt is produced, forming a nepheline syenite, where orthoclase is replaced by a feldspathoid such as leucite, nepheline or analcime.

and nepheline, along with accessories including biotite, magnetite, ilmenite and analcime.

Theralite is the intrusive equivalent of nepheline basanite.

This mineral commonly occurs in alkalic igneous rocks, nepheline syenites, carbonatites and pegmatites.

nepheline's Meaning':

a whitish mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate or potassium aluminum silicate in crystalline form; used in the manufacture of ceramics and enamels


nephelite; nephelinite; mineral;



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