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nerve cell Meaning in Bengali



স্নায়ু কোষ,

nerve cell শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মস্তিষ্কে এই হরমোনটি এর পরিবর্তে মস্তিষ্কের অভ্যন্তরীণ বিশেষ স্নায়ু কোষ দ্বারা উৎপন্ন হয় ।

নিউরনকে কখনও কখনও স্নায়ু কোষ বলা হলেও এটি পুরোপুরি সঠিক নয়,যেহেতু অনেক নিউরনই স্নায়ু গঠন করে না ।

সেরিব্রাল অর্গানয়েডগুলি হচ্ছে একধরনের সংশ্লেষিত টিস্যু যা বিভিন্ন ধরনের স্নায়ু কোষ ধারণ করে এবং যার শারীরস্থানিক বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি স্তন্যপায়ী মস্তিষ্কের অনুরূপ ।

যেমন স্নায়ু কোষ, রক্তকণিকা কোষ, ত্বকের কোষ বা যকৃৎ কোষ ।

কাজের জন্য বেছে নেন, যা তাকে সবচেয়ে বিখ্যাত করেছে, এই প্রাণীর বৃহৎ স্নায়ু কোষ রয়েছে এবং এটি শিখতে সক্ষম প্রাণীদের গোষ্ঠীর সদস্য ।

nerve cell's Usage Examples:

A neuron or nerve cell is an electrically excitable cell that communicates with other cells via specialized connections called synapses.

to 30,000 afferent and efferent nerve cell bodies that run along on either side of the spinal cord.

Afferent nerve cell bodies bring information from the.

pseudoganglion looks like a ganglion, but only has nerve fibers and has no nerve cell bodies.

An autonomic ganglion is a cluster of nerve cell bodies (a ganglion) in the autonomic nervous system.

Myelin is a lipid-rich (fatty) substance that surrounds nerve cell axons (the nervous system's "wires") to insulate them and increase the rate at which.

reactivation of varicella zoster virus in the geniculate ganglion, a nerve cell bundle of the facial nerve.

A nucleus is one of the two most common forms of nerve cell organization, the other being layered structures such as the cerebral.

Any proteinaceous filament that extends in the cytoplasm of a nerve cell is also termed a neurofibril.

the synapses from one nerve cell to the next as discrete (digital) packets of chemicals, which are then summed within the nerve cell in an analog fashion.

An axon, also called a nerve fiber, is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that conducts electrical impulses called action potentials.

sphincter dysfunction), and pathological examination reveals disseminated nerve cell death in the spinal cord and abnormally dilated and tortuous vessels situated.

from the synapse after it creates the required stimulation on the next nerve cell.

membranes, especially in the membranous myelin sheath that surrounds some nerve cell axons.

tractus solitarii) is a series of purely sensory nuclei (clusters of nerve cell bodies) forming a vertical column of grey matter embedded in the medulla.

the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron or to the.

around the nerves in the body which help transfer signals from nerve cell to nerve cell and increase transmission rate.

déndron, "tree"), also dendrons, are branched protoplasmic extensions of a nerve cell that propagate the electrochemical stimulation received from other neural.

monoglycosylceramides which are important components in animal muscle and nerve cell membranes.


somatic cell; efferent neuron; nervous system; dendrite; neuron; motoneuron; axone; motor nerve fiber; systema nervosum; afferent neuron; vegetative cell; motor neuron; axon; gangliocyte; sensory neuron; brain cell; ganglion cell;


cellular; honeycombed; pitted;

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