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nervules Meaning in Bengali


স্নায়বিক অবস্থা,

nervules শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তাঁর প্রগ্রেসিভ সুপার নিউক্লিয়ার পলসি নামে একটি বিরল অবক্ষয়জনিত স্নায়বিক অবস্থা রোগ ধরা পড়ে, যে অসুখে এক হাজার মানুষের মধ্যে একজন আক্রান্ত হতে পারে ।

nervules's Usage Examples:

The nervules are dark from the medial to the submarginal line.

Across the base of the nervules runs a pale ochreous line, on each side of which the wing is nearly uniform.

cell and extending as dentate dark marks along the subcostal and median nervules.

and with a few ocherous-yellow small spots around the apex between the nervules.

It is black and white-edged, preceded by white between the radial nervules and dislocated to a point under the reniform and continued obliquely to.

shining white with a suffusion of faint ochreous scales along the veins and nervules.

opposite the apex of the discoidal cell, first, second, and third subcostal nervules with their bases almost equidistant, fourth subcostal with its base half.

all wings are pale fuscous, interrupted with white at the ends of the nervules.

dusted with black intermixed with whitish scales along the lines of the nervules.

behind and a little external to this between the first and second median nervules sub-crescentic in shape, with its convexity turned towards the base, and.

streaks, the first of which is very oblique, passing across the discal nervules and angulated downwards at a point before the termen, but above the middle.

Fore wing paler; some silvery streaks on the median nervure; the nervules beyond the cell streaked with silvery white and black; a silvery-white.

elongate fuscous streak, and below it two fuscous lines following the nervules.

wide, its inner edge slightly edentate (lacking teeth) on the nervules.

base, defined inwardly by a pale grey line, which is interrupted on the nervules by ochraceous dots, marking the origin of a regular series of markings.

upperside of the male is black, the forewings with a strong blue gloss at the nervules in the basal region.

and between the two lower median nervules, and the third and smallest between the first and second median nervules; posterior wings with the fringe greyish-ochraceous.

wing with a row of three brownish-grey lunular spots between the median nervules, and a spot at the anal angle, above which is a row of three small faintly.

spots, one between each pair of nervules outside the cell; in core two of these spots, those above the discoidal nervules (veins 5 and 6), are always wanting.

between the first and second median nervules; this band has on its outer side, between the second and third median nervules, a quadrate white spot.

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