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nestlings Meaning in Bengali

 পাখির ছানা,

তরুণ পাখি এখনো পালকযুক্ত না


পাখির ছানা,

nestlings শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিস্তা নদীতে সাঁতার কাটা, ঝাঁপ দিয়ে উঁচু পাড় হতে নিচে নামা, গাছে গাছে পাখির ছানা খুঁজে বেড়ানো অথবা গাছের ছায়ায় বা নদীর ধারে গলা ছেড়ে গান গাওয়া ছিল ।

জলজ সাপ, গিরগিটি, ছোট পাখি, পাখির ছানা, ডিম, মৃত দেহাবশেষ ইত্যাদি খাওয়ার কথাও জানা যায় ।

ভুল খাদ্যতালিকায় রয়েছে বোলতা, উইপোকা, ছোট ইঁদুর, টিকটিকি, ছোট পাখি, পাখির ছানা ইত্যাদি ।

১০-১৫ দিন বয়সে পাখির ছানা অন্যত্র চলে যায় ।

খাদ্যতালিকায় রয়েছে মাছ, ব্যাঙ, ছোট সরীসৃপ, পাখির ছানা, ইঁদুর ইত্যাদি ।

বনের ছোট বড় সকল নরম ফল খেতে পারদর্শী, সেই সাথে খেয়ে থাকে পাখির ছানা, ডিম, ইঁদুর, ব্যাঙ, সরিসৃপ প্রভৃতি ।

বেশি প্রিয়), ছোট সরীসৃপ, ছোট সাপ, বাদুড়, ইঁদুর, ছুঁচো, কাঠবিড়ালী, পাখির ছানা ও ডিম এবং পচা মাংস ।

এক মরুভূমিতে আমি ঘুমিয়ে পড়লাম এবং যখন চোখ খুললাম, দেখলাম একটি অন্ধ পাখির ছানা

nestlings's Usage Examples:

The nestlings, like the adult, primarily eat insects, fed to it by both sexes.

This swallow is vulnerable to parasites, but, when on nestlings, these.

Brown-headed cowbird nestlings are also sometimes expelled from the nest.

some species, the fecal sacs of small nestlings are eaten by their parents.

In other species, and when nestlings are older, sacs are typically taken some.

birds are similar to the female, though the yellow wing-patches of male nestlings can be easily distinguished.

Unlike some cuckoos, cowbird nestlings will not actively kill the nestlings of the host bird; mixed broods of Setophaga and Molothrus.

When feeding their nestlings, the youngest nestlings receive the most food more frequently and more regularly.

vegetation or walking on the ground as they forage for insects, eggs and nestlings of other birds.

collision with objects (buildings, cars, etc) and predation, to eggs, nestlings and adults.

brooding female and the nestlings.

Males, however, occasionally take a shift incubating or even more sporadically brooding the nestlings, which allows the female.

feathers in nestlings.

The article focused on the correlation between melanin spots and carotenoid-based coloration on the wings of nestlings with food.

It is a common but not universal feature of altricial passerine nestlings (born helpless, under constant parental care) that instead of excreting.

birds, even ones with herbivorous leanings as adults, tend to feed their nestlings animal matter in order to give them the protein necessary to grow, house.

range of plant and animal foods as its close relative, including eggs and nestlings, as well as scraps near human habitation.

and larvae (often dug out from under the bark of trees), fruit, and the nestlings of other birds.

incubation and rearing of nestlings is performed by both parents.

Incubation is completed in some 17 days, and the nestlings are altricial and nidicolous.

material as well as tree sap, fungi, insects, carrion, bird eggs and nestlings.

occasionally eat lizards, frogs, small crabs and other bird's eggs and nestlings.

Fruits of many types are also taken and eggs and nestlings are also on the menu when opportunity arises.

The eggs and nestlings of the chaffinch are taken by a variety of mammalian and avian predators.

nestlings's Meaning':

young bird not yet fledged


young bird; baby bird;


wise; serious; clearheaded;

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