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nihilistic Meaning in Bengali

 শূন্যবাদী, ধ্বংসবাদানুযায়ী,


ধ্বংসবাদানুযায়ী, শূন্যবাদী,

nihilistic শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মরিয়া অসন্তুষ্ট অভিনেত্রী অবশেষে দুজন সঙ্গীকে প্ররোচিত করে: প্রথমে শূন্যবাদী ও স্ব-কেন্দ্রিক পরিচালক সুনীল ভার্মাকে (নাসিরুদ্দিন শাহ্), যার সাথে সে ।

nihilistic's Usage Examples:

example, Jean Baudrillard and others have characterized postmodernity as a nihilistic epoch or mode of thought.

They would argue that the fact that a person edited an article about nihilistic paradoxes is objectively true (though epistemological nihilists and metaphysical.

An anti-nihilistic novel is a form of novel from late 19th-century Russian literature, that came as a reaction to the disillusioned attitudes of the Russian.

non-rock genres while often reflecting an abrasive, confrontational, and nihilistic worldview.

reactionary and radical forces alike are once more in the grip of the nihilistic psychosis that Blake described so powerfully in Jerusalem, one of the.

under Emperor Gestahl, throughout the game he reveals himself to be a nihilistic psychopath after setting in motion events leading to the Apocalypse and.

Despite its up-tempo beat, the song lyrics invoke nihilistic or apocalyptic themes, including melting ice caps, boredom, burning houses.

The character "De Casseres", who espouses nihilistic viewpoints similar to the ideas of French philosopher Jules de Gaultier.

wretched victim at the center of the tale takes on the identity of the nihilistic culture war iconoclast Antichrist Superstar, rampaging the world and destroying.

It is defined by its dark, violent and nihilistic lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats.

article in the Los Angeles Times stated that the fashion industry had "a nihilistic vision of beauty" that was reflective of drug addiction.

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