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nonsmokers Meaning in Bengali


ধূমপায়ী নন,

nonsmokers শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সমীক্ষা করে দেখেছেন যে, বডি মাস ইনডেক্স (BMI) যাঁদের ২২.৫–২৫ kg/m2 এবং ধূমপায়ী নন তাদের মৃত্যুর ঝুঁকি অনেকটাই কম এবং যে ধূমপায়ীদের বডি মাস ইনডেক্স (BMI) ।

nonsmokers's Usage Examples:

be highest among heavy smokers, followed by moderate smokers, and then nonsmokers.

In nonsmokers (who are less prone to develop bronchitis than smokers), studies of coal.

their homes each year, comprising a major proportion of the 126 million nonsmokers exposed to harmful tobacco products annually.

"Ralph Nader of the anti-tobacco movement," Glantz is an activist for nonsmokers' rights and an advocate of public health policies to reduce smoking.

Bassler is also known for his controversial claim that nonsmokers who are able to complete a marathon in under four hours can eat whatever.

advertisements titled "A word to smokers (about nonsmokers and anti-smokers)" and "A word to nonsmokers (about smokers).

actually thinner than nonsmokers.

Some studies have shown that smokers—including long term and current smokers—weigh less than nonsmokers, and gain less weight.

substances, this third-hand smoke poses a potential health hazard to nonsmokers who are exposed to it, especially children.

greater loss of bone height than nonsmokers, and the trend can be extended to pipe smokers to have more bone loss than nonsmokers.

The government accuses Juul of marketing the e-cig towards nonsmokers and using advertising techniques outlawed to traditional cigarette manufacturers.

currently the most common type of lung cancer in "never smokers" (lifelong nonsmokers).

An estimated one in four nonsmokers (approximately 58 million persons) were exposed to secondhand smoke during.

increased risk of death in both adults, where it is estimated to kill 53,000 nonsmokers per year, making it the 3rd leading cause of preventable death in the.

with MUC5AC expression in small airway epithelium of human smokers and nonsmokers".

the risks of smoke inhalation by children in smoking households or in nonsmokers who live nearby smoking, in adjacent apartment units.


individual; somebody; soul; mortal; person; someone;


female; adult; worker; debtor; smoker;

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