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noxiously Meaning in Bengali

noxiously's Usage Examples:

Stinkweed is a common name for several noxiously scented plants, and may refer to: Ailanthus altissima (stinkweed tree) Artemisia tilesii, known as stinkweed.

and female rats will develop a sexual preference for neutrally or even noxiously scented partners if those scents are paired with their early sexual experiences.

enhanced by a cholecystokinin type B receptor antagonist, as revealed by noxiously evoked spinal c-Fos expression in rats".

that (a) is excitationally opposite to prevailing states associated with noxiously experienced hypo- or hyperarousal, (b) has positive hedonic value above.

poor reputation for being what wine expert Karen MacNeil describes as "a noxiously sweet poor man's Champagne.

" The New York Times wrote that Ross was "noxiously nasty" in her role as Auntie in Side Show.


detrimentally; harmfully;



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