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null set Meaning in Bengali


নাল সেট,

null set's Usage Examples:

In mathematical analysis, a null set N ⊂ R {\displaystyle N\subset \mathbb {R} } is a set that can be covered by a countable union of intervals of arbitrarily.

textbooks and popularizations, the empty set is referred to as the "null set".

However, null set is a distinct notion within the context of measure theory, in.

A is a Lebesgue-measurable set with λ(A) = 0 (a null set), then every subset of A is also a null set.

, null set) to "having a value of zero" (e.

A measurable set X is called a null set if μ(X) = 0.

A subset of a null set is called a negligible set.

[0,1]} is a μ {\displaystyle \mu } -null set or a ν {\displaystyle \nu } -null set exactly when it is a null set with respect to Lebesgue measure.

complete measure space) is a measure space in which every subset of every null set is measurable (having measure zero).

property is one that holds almost everywhere, with the dual concept being null set, meaning "with probability 0".

necessary, because otherwise there might exist a non-measurable subset of a μ-null set N ∈ Σ, hence f might not be measurable.

smooth function f from one Euclidean space or manifold to another is a null set, i.

reals but a null set".

Similarly, if S is some set of reals, "almost all numbers in S" can mean "all numbers in S but those in a null set".

probability with respect to an event of probability zero (also known as a null set).

converges) Complete measure, a measure space where every subset of every null set is measurable Completion (algebra), at an ideal Completeness (cryptography).

measure zero, which allows one to ignore from the domain any annoying null set, for example the set where a Lipschitz function is not differentiable.

decomposition of R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } as the union of a meagre set and a null set.

standard measure space (that is X − N is a standard Borel space for some null set N and μ is a σ-finite measure) then L2(X, μ) is separable.

be the set of all sets that are contained within a P {\displaystyle P} -null set.


bed; snuggle; put in; lay; postpose; lose; inclose; perch; reposition; replace; superpose; intersperse; sign; misplace; marshal; dispose; stick in; plant; upend; posit; glycerolise; cock; set up; put back; recline; barrel; shelve; position; arrange; cram; docket; stratify; step; middle; sit; ensconce; seat; thrust; install; stand; bottle; park; deposit; parallelize; tee; pile; seed; pillow; glycerolize; place down; poise; displace; appose; sow; ladle; ground; trench; move; siphon; jar; stand up; mislay; settle down; prepose; lean; rack up; throw; nestle; pigeonhole; juxtapose; place; situate; underlay; enclose; emplace; recess; put down; ship; settle; sit down; instal; rest; pose; imbricate; bucket; insert; place upright; fix; lay over; butt; tee up; space; load; set down; repose; put; introduce; clap; coffin; superimpose;


deglycerolize; disarrange; orient; switch on; switch off;

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