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nymphalids Meaning in Bengali

বড় প্রজাপতি থেকে মাঝারি পাওয়া বিশ্বব্যাপী সাধারণত থাকার টকটকে রঙ্গিন ডানা এবং আরো অনেক-হ্রাস nonfunctional forelegs বুকে গুটান বাহিত

nymphalids's Usage Examples:

Many butterfly species including swallowtails, nymphalids, metal-marks and lycaenids are known to hill-top.

from the Danainae, a subfamily of nymphalids), while others have been found that mimic male appearance (andromorphs).

Each of the three thoracic segments has two legs (among nymphalids, the first pair is reduced and the insects walk on four legs).

nymphalids's Meaning':

medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast


comma; Limenitis archippus; mourning cloak butterfly; banded purple; admiral; tortoiseshell; Limenitis arthemis; four-footed butterfly; family Nymphalidae; Nymphalidae; Vanessa virginiensis; red-spotted purple; white admiral; red admiral; Limenitis astyanax; peacock; Camberwell beauty; emperor; Limenitis camilla; viceroy; emperor butterfly; peacock butterfly; Inachis io; Polygonia comma; tortoiseshell butterfly; mourning cloak; nymphalid butterfly; butterfly; painted beauty; anglewing; Nymphalis antiopa; comma butterfly; fritillary; brush-footed butterfly; Vanessa atalanta;



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