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oat grass Meaning in Bengali


যবের ঘাস,

oat grass's Usage Examples:

Trisetum flavescens, the yellow oatgrass or golden oat grass, is a species of grass in the family Poaceae.

The main grasses are oat grass, tall fescue and rye-grass.

grazed areas include red fescue, sheep’s fescue, quaking grass, yellow oat grass, purging flax, bee orchid, thyme, common centaury and yellow-wort.

Most of the site is grassland dominated by oat grass and cock's foot.

avenacea - renamed Piptochaetium avenaceum, and commonly called black oat grass, blackseed needle grass or blackseed speargrass, is a perennial bunchgrass.

meadow, such as common bent, red fescue, crested dog's tail and yellow oat grass.

there are diverse grass species, such as crested hair-grass and meadow oat grass.

Trisetum, oatgrass Oats, young plants of which may be referred to as "oat grass" This page is an index of articles on plant species (or higher taxonomic.


nimble Will; tallgrass; Pennistum villosum; tall-grass; dallis grass; ryegrass; St. Augustine grass; broom grass; hardinggrass; Paspalum distichum; zoysia; Holcus lanatus; bay grass; Phalaris tuberosa; gramma; finger grass; love grass; reed canary grass; bluegrass; munj; midgrass; toe toe; field sandbur; sandbur; beach grass; creeping soft grass; grama grass; Andropogon gerardii; bunch grass; rye grass; bent-grass; Dactylis glomerata; rush-grass; herd's grass; meadow grass; French rye; velvet grass; graminaceous plant; pampas grass; blue stem; Bahia grass; bur grass; sandspur; bent; lemon grass; doob; paspalum; Muhlenbergia schreberi; wheatgrass; canary grass; cocksfoot; Bermuda grass; bluestem; wheat-grass; scutch grass; Buchloe dactyloides; gardener's garters; Arrhenatherum elatius; Holcus mollis; burgrass; cockspur; sheep's fescue; Festuca ovina; tall meadow grass; wild rye; false oat; fountain grass; Phalaris aquatica; grama; reed grass; crab grass; evergreen grass; Paspalum dilatatum; gramineous plant; orchard grass; cordgrass; short-grass; drop-seed; lemongrass; cereal; tall oat grass; Harding grass; timothy; Yorkshire fog; birdseed grass; fescue; rush grass; cord grass; dropseed; Pennisetum ruppelii; Saccharum munja; Cynodon plectostachyum; shortgrass; Phalaris canariensis; giant star grass; meadowgrass; brome; Cenchrus tribuloides; fescue grass; gramma grass; silver grass; cereal grass; Phleum pratense; nimblewill; Andropogon furcatus; bromegrass; sheep fescue; Paspalum notatum; blue grass; feathertop; feathertop grass; bunchgrass; crabgrass; buffalo grass; lyme grass; Pennisetum setaceum; bent grass; Aegilops triuncalis; dallisgrass; sword grass; munja; Phalaris arundinacea; Festuca elatior; Bahama grass; plume grass; kweek; toowomba canary grass; meadow fescue; ribbon grass; star grass; lady's laces; Stenotaphrum secundatum; devil grass; knotgrass; Arundo richardii; Saccharum bengalense; goat grass; plumed tussock; Cynodon dactylon; toetoe; Cortaderia selloana; Cortaderia richardii;


buy; worth; praise; keep quiet; nonworker;

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