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oblique case Meaning in Bengali


তেরছা ক্ষেত্রে,

oblique case's Usage Examples:

A noun or pronoun in the oblique case can generally appear in any role except as subject, for which the nominative.

found in several Indo-Iranian languages, there it may contrast with an oblique case that marks some core relations, so the direct case does not cover all.

Object pronouns in English take the objective case, sometimes called the oblique case or object case.

Shughni distinguishes between an absolutive and an oblique case in its system of pronouns.

almost entirely lacks declension in its nouns; pronouns, however, have an oblique case as in them, her, him and whom, which merges the accusative and dative.

noun cases, the nominative, oblique case, and the vocative case.

The vocative case is now obsolete and the oblique case doubles as the vocative case.

oblique case-marking.

period, when the accusative and dative of pronouns merged into a single oblique case that was also used with all prepositions.

The oblique case in pronouns has three subdivisions: Regular, Ergative, and Genitive.

that either does not include the object or includes the object in an oblique case.

sentences, subject noun phrases appear in the oblique case form; in accordance with split ergativity.

The oblique case is used for objects of most adpositions.

for two pronouns joined by and in circumstances where the accusative/oblique case would be used for a single pronoun, typically following a preposition.

with the genitive oblique case pronouns and the genitive kī/ke must be omitted before attaching them with the genitive oblique case.

Ute marks nouns for nominative and oblique case.

The oblique case marks the possessor (preceding the head noun), the definite direct object.

appear with an oblique case marker.

If the possessor is a common noun, it will be introduced by a determiner, but without an oblique case marker.

The name Rígr appears to be the oblique case of Old Irish rí, ríg "king", cognate to Latin rex, Sanskrit rajan.


diverging; catercorner; crabwise; catty-corner; cata-cornered; diagonal; convergent; kitty-cornered; catacorner; catty-cornered; nonparallel; bias; oblique-angled; divergent; kitty-corner; cater-cornered; sideways; inclined;


divergent; parallel; convergent; vertical; perpendicular; horizontal;

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