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obtuseness Meaning in Bengali

 স্থূলবুদ্ধি, মূঢ়তা, বুদ্ধিহীনতা,


বুদ্ধিহীনতা, মূঢ়তা, স্থূলবুদ্ধি,

obtuseness শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

কিন্তু ঘটনাচক্রে ঋষিগণ তাঁদের মূঢ়তা উপলব্ধি করেন এবং সেই লিঙ্গের পূজা করেন ।

এদিকে, উপেন তার মূঢ়তা উপলব্ধি করে এবং তীব্র নিপীড়িত সহিংসতার মধ্য দিয়ে প্রসূত তার খোঁজে পুরুলিয়া ।

রাষ্ট্রের মূঢ়তা ও বিদেশী শক্তির ক্রূরতার প্রতি তিনি বিক্ষোভ প্রদর্শন করেছেন ।

বালাই, স্বার্থের প্রয়োজন মাথামুণ্ডু জ্ঞাতব্য/বোধগম্য বিষয় মাথা মোটা স্থূলবুদ্ধি, বুদ্ধিহীন মাথা হেঁট হওয়া অপমান/লজ্জা/বিনয়ে মাথা নত করা/হওয়া মাথায় ।

এবিষয়ে কোনো সন্দেহ নেই যে সে সময়ে সমাজের মধ্যে মূঢ়তা ও উদ্দেশ্যহীনতার মানসিকতা সৃষ্টি হয়েছিল, যা একদল চিন্তাশীল ও ভাবুককে বিচলিত ।

obtuseness's Usage Examples:

being a moral high ground or position of strength, is indicative of an "obtuseness to the question of truth.

He was held in great affection by the Bar, despite a reputation for obtuseness which led to his nickname "Wooden-headed Billy".

His obtuseness, intolerance and dogmatism became legendary.

language barriers, prejudice, dogmatism, and above all, a collective obtuseness and indifference towards one another.

contemporary poem by Catullus "may refer to Celer's marital ineffectiveness and obtuseness".

Acerbic introductions bewail the bad taste of editors and the obtuseness of critics.

Hall in The Bulletin said, "the comedy relies on a certain amount of obtuseness, literal mindedness, double-takes and talking at cross-purposes.

MacArthur's tactical abilities even as it takes account of a political obtuseness that at times verged on megalomania.

Niimi states that this line "binds the obtuseness of the lyrics" and performs a similar "cathartic" function as the audible.

falls to Lucy to navigate a path between her husband's obstinacy and obtuseness and the increasingly pressing demands of India's slow transition to modernity.

of a suggestion for what should replace modern art as similar in its obtuseness to statements Linda Lovelace made about Deep Throat being a "kind of goof.

dogmatism epistemic blindness folly gullibility intellectual dishonesty obtuseness self-deception superficiality of thought superstition willful naïveté.

censorship, which Alexander described as "intentional misrepresentation and obtuseness.

meaningful emotional connections in an uncaring world of self-involvement, obtuseness and free-floating insecurity that it ought to be put in a time capsule.

That may be an explanation for the general obtuseness of the film, but it seems like a desperate device.

Due to the obtuseness of the Roman people the show proves a failure, but Onofrio takes the chance.

Canasta loses his temper at his would-be victim's obtuseness ("CUT IT OUT, CAN'T YA?!").

Florence Nightingale's story are the machinations of the War Office, and the obtuseness of the military and politicians.

One obstacle to the relationship was Charlie's long-time obtuseness with regard to Amita's interests in him, a fact upon which she commented.


oscitance; stupidity; dullness; oscitancy;


ability; brightness; interestingness; lively; intelligence;

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