<< occluded occlusion >>

occludes Meaning in Bengali

occludes's Usage Examples:

It generally occludes (closes off) with age.

"gloomy grammarians", which creates a layer of obfuscation or "clouds" that occludes the illumination of imagination, "the sun and moon".

When an embolus occludes a blood vessel, it is called an embolism or embolic event.

When a laryngectomized person occludes the tracheostoma, completely blocking exhaled air to leave the body through.

The inhibitor binds to and occludes the ribonuclease active site, preventing barnase from damaging the cell's.

adjacent to the testis ("nut against nut") so that the crushing clamp occludes the spermatic artery, preventing life-threatening blood loss.

A palatal obturator is a prosthesis that totally occludes an opening such as an oronasal fistula (in the roof of the mouth).

In practice, hepatic artery embolization occludes the blood flow to the tumors, achieving significant tumor shrinkage in.

They showed that this region formed an RNA secondary structure that occludes the Shine-Dalgarno sequence.

that this repression occurs as MtlS base pairs with the mtlA mRNA and occludes the ribosome binding site, thus inhibiting synthesis of the mannitol-specific.

Basic form of text, photography and video censorship that occludes certain information or images with rectangular boxes.

expression is limited by these double-stranded RNA structures because they occludes the ribosome-binding site.

family, except that the former possess a cartilaginous operculum that occludes the entrance to their protective tube after the animal has withdrawn into.

In contrast to an eye patch that occludes the whole visual field of one eye, binocular occlusion allows some degree.

A carotid bruit is unlikely to be heard if the stenosis occludes less than 40% of the diameter of the artery.

Additionally, the enlarged fourth mandibular tooth occludes into a pit in the rostrum.

: triangle A occludes B, B occludes C, C occludes A), and there is no canonical "closest" point on a triangle.

Charybdotoxin occludes the pore of calcium-activated voltage-gated shaker K+ channels by binding.

HEMA forms deep resinous tags and then occludes the dentinal tubules.


back up; land up; bar; congest; earth up; block off; stop; barricado; choke off; block; close up; suffocate; clog; dam; impede; block up; stifle; blockade; asphyxiate; dam up; screen; obturate; tie up; block out; hinder; barricade; choke; clog up; jam; foul; obstruct;


fragrant; unstuff; show; unclog; free;

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