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occupied in Meaning in Bengali


occupied in's Usage Examples:

settlement (рабочий посёлок, rabochy posyolok)—mostly urban population occupied in industrial manufacture.

particularly the Middle Ages and earlier, the term is usually applied to people occupied in small-scale production of goods, or their maintenance, for example by.

football grounds the football club St Johnstone from Perth, Scotland, have occupied in their history.

The site itself began to be permanently occupied in the late 19th century.

Surface pottery suggests the site was first occupied in the fourth millennium BC, but large-scale excavation was restricted to.

Neolithic material found nearby and was also suggested to have been occupied in the Bronze Age.

During the time the Ottomans were occupied in the siege, the Moroccans, who were allied with the Spanish, occupied.

Besides oil extraction, the locals are mainly occupied in agriculture.

medieval castle, the Château de Culan, one of the oldest castles still occupied in the world.

nearby archaeological site of Tell Begum shows that the area was already occupied in the Late Halaf period.

one of the ten villages in Columbia, Maryland, United States, first occupied in 1974.

Montenegro supports Palestine's demand for sovereignty over the territories occupied in 1967, and there is joint cooperation in cultural heritage and tourism.

It thus comprised the districts occupied in modern times by eastern and central Switzerland (containing the Upper.

The Grocers' Company was established in 1345 for merchants occupied in the trade of grocer and is one of the Great Twelve City Livery Companies.

Baveno was occupied in the pre-Roman Iron Age by the Lepontii, a tribe of the Ligures.

On a site occupied in antiquity by the Temple of Marcus Aurelius, the medieval buildings on.

around 20% of the territory of what was the Georgian SSR is in dispute (occupied in the view of the government in Tbilisi and many other countries) and there.

county has 19 sites listed on the National Register, including a landmark occupied in 1676 known as Bacon's Castle and Chippokes Plantation (now a state park).

Denison, the site which Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition had occupied in 1912–13.


scrap; combat; fighting; fight;


humorless; displeasing; humourless; po-faced; unfunny;

occupied in's Meaning in Other Sites