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odd man out Meaning in Bengali


অদ্ভুত মানুষ আউট,

odd man out's Usage Examples:

36, which left a three way tie for first and Barshim, the odd man out.


white man; adult male; strapper; bey; male; Senhor; babu; buster; Methuselah; signore; adult; widowman; patriarch; inamorato; Peter Pan; ex-boyfriend; stiff; sheik; father-figure; greybeard; young buck; he-man; bachelor; hombre; clotheshorse; boy; grownup; beau; swell; paterfamilias; bruiser; bull; stud; divorced man; fellow; Black man; Tarzan; shaver; adult male body; baboo; ejaculator; gallant; graybeard; Monsieur; adonis; Esq; boyfriend; posseman; eunuch; father surrogate; dude; ex; yellow man; unmarried man; Samson; male person; geezer; swain; golden boy; father figure; womanizer; ironside; young man; fashion plate; ironman; Hooray Henry; signior; macho-man; man's body; grass widower; iron man; philanderer; hunk; middle-aged man; sir; ponce; old boy; signor; castrate; wonder boy; bozo; gentleman; galoot; guy; Herr; fop; womaniser; Esquire; dandy; old man; ex-husband; housefather; cat; widower;


woman; juvenile; female; powerless; impotent;

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